Me talking to the dog as I open a can.
"You know, your problem is you lack opposable thumbs."
"You know, your next problem is that OUR problem is at some stage we are probably going to use our science to give you opposable thumbs."
We both stare at each other in silence.
"You know, your problem is you lack opposable thumbs."
"You know, your next problem is that OUR problem is at some stage we are probably going to use our science to give you opposable thumbs."
We both stare at each other in silence.
The Chimps, Dolphins and Gorilla's we do get are... pretty awesome.
Just pray they never give *cats* opposable thumbs. Hemmingway cats are already too close.
I read old possum's book of practical cats (amongst many others) one summer spent being at my fathers, mainly to avoid being at my fathers. heh.
You have just thoroughly and completely nostalgiad me in the face by total accident.
But then she decided to help develop massively important vaccines and save countless lives with her contributions to science.
(insert reverse Spiderman vs Sauron meme here)
He gets revenge chewing my shoes.
Have I mentioned my dogs love me?