Visionary filmmaking weirdo Kenneth Anger was there, too. An Aleister Crowley acolyte, he took things seriously: He put 93 talismen in bathrooms throughout the Pentagon the day before. During the exorcism, he was under the Fugs’ flatbed truck, burning something and hissing at the man from Newsweek.
Daniel Ellsberg was inside, standing next to Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara: "So he was at one window and I was at another… Neither of us said anything. He just stood there… I wanted to see the expression on his face when they succeeded in levitating the building. But that didn’t happen."
Allen Katzman, publisher of the “East Village Other,” provided his readers with a rhapsodic, underground gonzo account (although nothing quite on the level of Mailer):
French filmmaker Chris Marker (of “La Jetee” fame) made a 25-minute documentary called “The Sixth Side of the Pentagon,” about the march (rentable on Prime). The exorcism only features for a few minutes — characterized as “hippies screeching” (lol) — but it seems to capture the overall vibe: