There was never any agreements that said this! There are agreements that Russia signed that said they didn't care where NATO went. Last paragraph of a 1997 agreemen. Also what happened to the Budapest Memorandum! Russia and the west haven't honored it. Ukraine can't trust anyone.
TO ALL THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION: Given you believe "negotiations" will stop the ILLEGAL TERRORIST WAR in Ukraine, I have a question: Exactly which "Ruzzian Terrorist" will you negotiate with? ................................. there are millions to choose from.
There never was any such agreement. Furthermore, Putin even admitted in his interview with Tucker that NATO had nothing to do with why he invaded.
And hy did he not invade Sweden and Finland when they applied to join NATO?
As for peace with imperialist, genocidal dictators, we already tried that. Multiple times.
Here's you during WWII:
#PetulantPOTUS perceives perverse persecution.