⚡️West provided enough aid for 2.5 brigades out of requested 10, Zelensky says.
"They speak about mobilization, but the real problem [is] with 10 brigades which our partners didn't equip," President Zelensky said in an interview with Sky News.
"They speak about mobilization, but the real problem [is] with 10 brigades which our partners didn't equip," President Zelensky said in an interview with Sky News.
The difference between Ukraine and the ZioNazis, none whatever, just more fuck ups by NATO and a self entitled Europe.
Millions dead, billionaires richer. Wrong people dead.
(Germany switching off its remaining nuclear plants was profoundly unhelpful on that front).
Zelenskys' "blame the West" retoric isnt helping anyone.
Talk is cheap.
Might be worth it to negotiate a ceasefire, like North and South Korean situation.
It may give time for Ukraine to rebuild their military and manufacturing capabilities for the inevitable v2.0 war.
US is the most corrupted country in the world right now 🏆
Also, western money are spent in western countries. And no, Ukraine corrupted politicians don’t sell Patriots systems to steal money, they using internal sources.