Now would be the time to double down on support for Ukraine as Russia is on the offensive with very weak troops/arms (just a lot more of it than in Feb 2022). With a bigger' meat grinder' of glide bombs and planes to deliver them, the Russian front would collapse.
Obligatory reminder that Russia loses on average 1500 soldiers per day, just to engage in irredentism and expansionism in the 21th century, all while Russia suffers from self-inflicted demographic and economic decline.
It will take ruzzia awhile to build this amount of new equiptment.
Russians will remember putin as madman who destroyed russias
Army, economics, international reputation etc.
They will never build it again. Russia has a major labor shortage, all of their able bodied men are sent to die on the front lines, all the brightest brains are migrating to other countries and their population is collapsing. Russia's future is absolutely fucked.
Russians will remember putin as madman who destroyed russias
Army, economics, international reputation etc.
Drop in Artillery and UAVs, Vehicles remain high past 2 weeks.
Artillery at 60-62 three days in a row, double 7-day average.