⚡️Trump administration weighs sanctions relief for Russia, Reuters reports.
The White House has directed the State and Treasury departments to compile a list of sanctions that could be lifted, according to sources.
The White House has directed the State and Treasury departments to compile a list of sanctions that could be lifted, according to sources.
This is a betrayal.
"Well we're going to make deals with everybody including Europe and European nations
"... most of them are friends of mine, the heads of state, the heads of various countries."
... and more rambling 🤮
#TrumpIsATraitor #TraitorTrump #ForAFewDollarsMore
2 days later...
Shameful USA...
Traitor Trump!
Krasnov will stop aid to Ukraine, drop sanctions on Russia, and threaten our European allies if they don't follow suit.
Will our military defy their sworn oath to protect the U.S. Constitution from domestic enemies?
Our only hope to end this takeover is a military coup.
What are they waiting for?
This isn't going to be fixed politically.
Imagine our military fighting on the side of Putin.
The Generals must defy their Commander in Chief, and unseat him.
Trump is talking about invading Mexico under the guise of doing so against drug cartels.
This admin needs to be gone.
Our military better find the nerve, or our Republic will be gone.