⚡️ Oil shipments via Druzhba pipeline halted due to Ukrainian drone attack in Russia, Hungary says.
Oil supplies through the Druzhba pipeline from Russia to Hungary are halted due to a Ukrainian drone attack on a metering station in Russia, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said.
Oil supplies through the Druzhba pipeline from Russia to Hungary are halted due to a Ukrainian drone attack on a metering station in Russia, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said.
The #RussianEconomy is the Cannibal eating its own leg to stay full. #PutinIsWeak
If.... IF #MoscowTrump doesn't cave like a cowardly bone spurs chump.
Putin's revenues are below his costs & he doesn't have a fix.
#TrumpIsAChump #EconomicFragility #RussiaFailed
Now fuck off Hungary.
Thanks 😊
They turned down every viable alternative out of loyalty to muscovy.
Welcome to the "find out phase".
Otherwise, Ukraine wouldn’t have taken the risk—not without some level of assurance that Europe had their back to prevent any backlash.
Loving it for McForehead
Now is the time to pay the price. Stop whining, man up, kick putin, kick your corruption and become an honorable man.
Time to suck it up buttercup.