⚡️Duda denounces Russia for 'imperial greed,' reiterates calls to deploy US nuclear weapons in Poland.
Polish President Andrzej Duda denounced Russia for its "imperial greed" in a wide-ranging interview with the BBC published on March 15.
Polish President Andrzej Duda denounced Russia for its "imperial greed" in a wide-ranging interview with the BBC published on March 15.
you MIGHT wanna think this through a little...
you definitely wanna build your own nukes...
Only France has governance over the Nukes - all others are tied to NATO.
Just STFU dude. You don't matter and you will never be remembered as the next Lech Wałęsa.
I am ashamed of what my country has become.
🇺🇸 is not your friend anymore men
Nukes in Poland will be a strong deterrant but as seen in Ukraine, conventional arms are the most desirable especially the drone-based arms and missiles.
But there is a country with 100% sovereign nuke deterrent...
يُقال هذا المثل لمن يهرب من مشكلة أو خطر ليقع في ما هو أشد سوءًا. وهنا، يمكن اعتباره تعبيرًا عن فكرة أن السعي لنشر أسلحة نووية أمريكية في بولندا قد يجلب مخاطر أكبر من تلك التي يخشاها دودة من روسيا