Paper balls send my cat into a frenzy, he runs after the ball, bats it 4 or 5 times, picks it up in his mouth runs to me and drops it at my feet! 😀 He will play ball for an hour if i keep at it hehe
Who says cats can’t be trained? Or can’t have very close and fun relationships with their people? I’d say only those who don’t have cats. Or don’t believe cats are sentient beings. Oh the pity.
I had a cat, years ago, that fell in love with a blue hair scrunchie that belonged to my daughter. She stole it from her. It is a he only thing she'd play fetch with. But it had to be stretched & released or she would not fetch it. Funny girl.
Something special about orange cats. We had one growing up that would fetch menthol cig pkgs until he panted, would lie underneath sprinklers while they were on, and take a bath in the middle of crosswalks in the small town we lived in. Loved that guy.
Over and over and over.
My ginger is obsessed with those coils!
But he does love to cuddle.
My dog just destroys the thing you were playing fetch with.