This has been Metas MO for years its just that they make it their official policy now.
You can say the most vile shit on FB without any Consequences as long as you target the "right" kinds of people (Queers, Leftists, Women, BIPoC) but woe betide you if you dare say something against cis yte men.
I don't understand what is going on. This is evil. I can see I will only be on Bluesky. I left Facebook 8 yrs ago especially due to the Cambridge Analytica scandale. Yet still used Instagram. Now...I will leave that too. Zuckerberg is an devious amoral force without boundary.
It’s weird that people didn’t like people calling “trans” people “freaks” but it was acceptable to call them “queer”.
To respect free speech and expression means doesn’t mean that you have to agree with it. It just means that you don’t censor it from being said.
Give your counter position on it
Fortunately, I already deleted my Facebook account in 2024... High time for legal interventions in the UK and the EU to stop fascist social media tendencies before it is too late
I hope the British media, political classes, and gays, and terfs who sold us out for an easy life and giggles are happy now.
That isn't how "free speech" works.
You can say the most vile shit on FB without any Consequences as long as you target the "right" kinds of people (Queers, Leftists, Women, BIPoC) but woe betide you if you dare say something against cis yte men.
To respect free speech and expression means doesn’t mean that you have to agree with it. It just means that you don’t censor it from being said.
Give your counter position on it
i get it: you’re a transphobe so you’re making a really stupid and ahistorical ’point’.
It should be really easy to answer but …. 👌🏼
Here's your definition
adult human male homosexual eye for the adult human male heterosexual guy.