How to create your own BlueSky Feed.
Yes, you can make your own feeds, a very basic tutorial thread π§΅
#feeds #tutorials
Yes, you can make your own feeds, a very basic tutorial thread π§΅
#feeds #tutorials
For this tutorial, I'm using
You can generate your own app password in the settings. This will link your account to the Skyfeed. Do not that you're only allowed to see it ONCE. So copy it down somewhere
There are many sources you can pick, from an entire network, from tags, another user or simply from yourself. For now, we'll stick with just posts from me. Click "Select Yourself" to pick out your user ID.
I'll go through 3 simple ones for this tutorial: Remove, Sort, RegEx
The Remove Block allows you to remove posts from the feed according to its details, like posts that are Replies, according to a like/repost count etc.
I tried playing around with lists and limiting it that way.
Tried it myself with no luck.
Guess i'm at that fun level of broke brain where i know what i want but can't make it happen.
Thanks for the reply though! :)
This will be very helpful
If you want to filter our keywords use the RegEx block to search for said keywords.