The key thing I’m getting from my feed (which is natch full of very smart & politically savvy people) is the fundamental tension between relief at stopping fascists, for now, and the frustration that doing so means more of the same mediocre parties & leaders incapable of doing so in the long term.
Voting for more of the same does just encourage more of the same.
Not doing so lets evil (and I mean that seriously - plenty of people I disagree with are not evil. The far-right are) gain control, and we know where that goes.
There’s no vision to get behind. No view of how society, the world, people’s lives can be better. No principles that can’t be discarded or bent if a focus group or poll says it would be politically beneficial.
Why? Because their leaders believe it, and, well, lead.
At most points in history they’d be pretty bland non-entities or joke caricatures. Some already have been.
They don’t (or don’t appear to) obsessively triangulate the minutiae of polling to finely tune what to say so as not to upset their strategists’ key identified demographic.