when i talk to people on discord, im not talking to discord, im talking to people. when i look up information online, im not asking the internet to answer it for me, im looking for existing resources. the internet is just the medium that delivers this. its only job is to connect me to other people
to me, that's the opposite of what the internet is supposed to be. it's supposed to be a tool. a tool i cannot control is a bad tool
like, i wanna go to the beach. so i hop into my car and it brings me to the shopping mall. either because the car decided on its own, or because the owner of the mall paid the car manufacturer
most people don't even seem to notice this though. or if they do, they just don't care. because we are actively being conditioned to prioritize ease over autonomy. passive consumption over active exploration
and convenience always wins
but the biggest danger isnt that the internet is treating people like passengers rather than drivers, its that many people dont even want to drive anymore
* LLMs cannot feel