6. Pump Up the Volume
This coming-of-age story from the same writer/director as the also-excellent Empire Records is pure punk energy with a whole lot of heart. Possibly Christian Slater's best.
This coming-of-age story from the same writer/director as the also-excellent Empire Records is pure punk energy with a whole lot of heart. Possibly Christian Slater's best.
Gene Wilder was so hot and this movie is stupendously funny
It's an ode to female desire and joy and a perfect road movie. Joe Manganiello dancing in the convenience store will never, ever get old. So much more fun than its predecessor and a bisexual delight
One of the best science fiction films ever made. I'll never forget seeing this in theaters and jumping clear out of my seat when the below happens. Beautiful, prescient, and perfectly edited
This one was formative for me. Saw it when I was 14 and made it part of my personality for a while. Perfect soundtrack, just a grungy, gnarly story with some great performances
The movie my dad used to convince me black and white movies could be cool, when I was 8 or so. Hilarious, smart, ridiculously paced, and just pure stinking fun.
Another formative one.
Pure carnage among children, with a tiny bit of pitch-black humor here and there.
My mom and I saw it in theaters and I remember on the way out she said "well that was depressing" lol
Walking out of XXL we were both giddy