I'll be the one going against the grain here. The books rock. However, that travesty of a TV show can be skipped and you'll miss exactly nothing. They butchered the story.
Also, when done, the current production of the first book? On like, amc? Is very entertaining. They adapted the story to suit a different timeline, but it’s got the right vibe. Enjoy.
They are (almost) all incredibly good, but good in a weird & insane way that is totally unlike any other author I’ve read. There are a lot of them too: 15 books in all (counting Pandora & Vittorio). The lore runs deep and it’s a delight to dig down further.
Very good books, I also recommend looking into the amc series if you haven’t already! It’s a refreshing modern spin on what Anne Rice wrote and I think really elevates them
Also, when done, the current production of the first book? On like, amc? Is very entertaining. They adapted the story to suit a different timeline, but it’s got the right vibe. Enjoy.
If it helps, Armand’s only a narrator for that one book. You could skip to “Merrick” without much confusion later.
They are (almost) all incredibly good, but good in a weird & insane way that is totally unlike any other author I’ve read. There are a lot of them too: 15 books in all (counting Pandora & Vittorio). The lore runs deep and it’s a delight to dig down further.