What if the Joe Rogan of The Left is just a Peter and a Micheal in a trenchcoat. Maybe we put Rhiannon on top just because i feel like she could probably take you both in an MMA thing and we need that kind of legitimacy to be taken seriously.
The commentary about how some advice to get better at something is just like “try harder” reminds me of one time I gave a presentation while I was super tired (because you know… chronic illness), and I got feedback that I should “have more energy” 🫠 Thanks!!! I’ll get right on that
"No one ever fucking comments on the content of the show. The only haranguing we get is you said this word wrong" - That's not fair, listeners also comment about speedrunning (the 5 min comment for SMB shows you know your stuff!). This was a great podcast to listen to while cooking thanksgiving food