You’re arguing for civilization to go backwards. Energy usage is a sign of a growing civilization.
If you cared about energy usage, then analyze the current financial and tech sectors energy usage.
You might conclude you don’t need the powered smart phone you type from…
If you cared about energy usage, then analyze the current financial and tech sectors energy usage.
You might conclude you don’t need the powered smart phone you type from…
Otherwise we could just turn on a trillion 1950's lightbulbs at the same time and Blam! we get Vulcans here.
The Bitcoin network consumes an estimated 167.14 TWh of energy annually.
Worldwide banking consumes an estimated 258.85 TWh of energy annually.
It’s so funny i’ve never heard anyone concerned with the global banking energy consumption why is that?
One little correction, planet will not burn. We will.
For the planet we aren't even a hard rash on their skin. A century or two after we gone it will be as if we never existed.
& energy efficiency will be a necessity: "at a 2.3% growth rate... we would reach boiling temperature in about 400 years. And this statement is independent of technology."
The planet is burning essentially because of inefficiencies and inequities in our energy usage. The least useful and most wasteful energy usage is done for an astonishingly small number of people.
we are all travelling at speed towards heat death inevitably.
the beauty is that we get to choose how we process that.
Traditional finance is much less sustainable (and encourages spending e.g. consumption) while being where 99% of illicit activity happens (2-5% of global gdp) and is not caught.
For academically robust papers I suggest Masanet et al. 2019, Dittmar et al. 2019, Sedlmeir et al. 2020 Sai & Vranken 2023.
My recommendation is LSE retracts the article if they value academic integrity.