What morons for even going there. If they thought for a moment that a single Republican wanted to hear what they had to say it shows they shouldn’t be in the position they currently hold.
I never thought "sanctuary cities" was a good name for this. Gives off the wrong vibe. Why not "Do Your Own Research" cities? Now that I can get behind.
Because the criminals are mostly a figment of imagination and the vast majority of immigrants are hard working law abiding people- unlike our POTUS who has been convicted on 34 counts and has spent roughly 30% of his time in office golfing or attending sporting events
The only "pro criminal" representatives are Republicans.
You know this.
Who else would pardon violent felons, bring sex Traffickers and rapists to our country and fill their cabinets with sec offenders?
The pro criminals are the ones asking the questions.
I heard Mayor Wu. I would say she was excellent. She is correct. It is Congress' duty to pass a comprehensive immigration bill. Since the Republican party has a trifecta, there are no more excuses for kicking the can down the road.
It works we have workers who learn trades (maybe not first generation--but their children do). My old delapitated house has been repaired meticulously by the children of immigrants
Santuary cities provide us with a well trained/apprnenticed workforce.
oh - i saw some lively exchanges with great push back on the accusations -- i didn't see struggle. But yeah, this would just be the typical Politico spin we see lately.
Apparently it wasn't enough to have a researcher to counter the false narrarive that immigrants bring crime. Apparently it wasn't enough to point out Trump's goons are suspending the constitution in the name of law and order. @Politico, maybe you should be asking about that.
Struggled??? Are you fucking kidding me? Did you even watch the hearing? Time to block these idiots. I'm tired of them licking Trump's taint and massaging the GOP's prostate with their tongues.
Many have seen the transcripts/video coverage. This politico writing is compromised and carrying water for right-wing sympathy. National immigration lawyers covered this hearing minute-to-minute. This is gross misrepresentation. The mayors affirmed local governance, public safety, and humanity.
"Mayors under attack from the GOP" is more like it. The GOP is the aggressor here, the mayors and their cities are the victims. Your headline writing is abysmal.
There was clearly no struggle. Wu in particular was solid with unassailable numbers for Boston, and GOP reps came off as (predictably) foundering and unfocused. Do better Politico.
Once Mayor Wu slapped them silly on every attack - it seems they didn't call on her much after. Republicans in congress were a bunch of poorly informed cowards reading from scripts. The smartest thing they did was learn not to attack Mayor Wu after their first attempts.
Politico, what the fuck is this shit? Struggle? Hot Seat? Did Michelle Wu look at all flustered to you? She owned that committee. First Murdoch and now Döpfner. Oh, and btw.. Döpfner's kid is Peter Thiel's chief of staff. Don't sleep on that conflict of interest. Fuck Politico.
You know this.
Who else would pardon violent felons, bring sex Traffickers and rapists to our country and fill their cabinets with sec offenders?
The pro criminals are the ones asking the questions.
The video says that Mayor Wu took them to the woodshed.
Santuary cities provide us with a well trained/apprnenticed workforce.
Apparently it wasn't enough to have a researcher to counter the false narrarive that immigrants bring crime. Apparently it wasn't enough to point out Trump's goons are suspending the constitution in the name of law and order. @Politico, maybe you should be asking about that.
The mayors, mostly, against all media bias showed the congressmen as the MAGA attention seeking ignoramus's they are.
Do better.
your bias is embarrassing