I thought the shut down was a given. Without it, I feel kind of shut down. I need a few more days to build back up after that and hearing this voted-in dictator makes me ill.
💯% correct! So let’s change the narrative; I’ve no idea what’s in those Epstein tapes, but with some thought, and imagination the story could be very interesting 🤔
Dems are always reacting to that 🍊 slim, proactive is far more effective!
This is all to feed red meat to his base. He's got to keep the propaganda machine up for the next 4 years and can't do it without lying at least 10 times a day. His birth and existence is illegal as far as I'm concerned
Indeed. The sooner the domestic American opposition take on board they are dealing with a mentally hampered sociopath whose aim is always to win, the better for America & the remains of the Free World it will be
"dealing with"= up against The 2025 project because that is the stuff happening now. The revision of. the American government is what is being put into place. I read some of it, but it's 900+ pages long, and my poor old brain couldn't comprehend it all.
and I asked for the context so I could explain it to you. I don't know how to get back to the message you saw that in. If there is a way to do that, please tell me. I haven't used Social Media for many years.
How hard is it for Democrats - House & Senate members - to openly “allege” how senile Trump is? Just be outspoken in their contempt for his lunacy and despicable handling of the Office of the President.
He is mentally ill. Total head case. But the media never covered his actions in the same way that they banged on and on and on about President Biden’s one debate performance. Our media is broken and because of it, and the power of their execs, they helped break our democracy. Make no mistake.
How odd. I would have sworn on a bible, I watched, and heard, Lawrence O'Donnell do just thatLast Wednesday at 10 PM. I've heard many others do the same, but Lawrence was stunningly angry
You mean they’re calling for Trump to step down or step aside? I must have missed that constant drumbeat.
Trump is the cash cow that keeps giving them a steady steam of ratings milk.
Never said a word about anyone calling for trump to step down, I may be stupid , but not stupid enough to think he would ever be patriotic enough to consider that He is too busy looking for a dictator he can screw.
Dem leaders are just diet GOP at this point. They are bought and paid for by the same billionaires, lobbyists, and PACs as their GOP counterparts. Asking why Schumer voted "yes" on that shit budget, it's cause Schumer is owned by parasitic equity firm Blackstone https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/charles-e-schumer/summary?cid=N00001093
please provide proof that "They are bought and paid for by the same billionaires, lobbyist, and PACS as their GOP counterparts." Not sure you understand what lobbyists do.
EXACTLY why we need a 3rd or replacement party once & for all. Clean house & get people who actually WANT to REPRESENT their constituents and not their own agenda.
Dems are always reacting to that 🍊 slim, proactive is far more effective!
Trump is the cash cow that keeps giving them a steady steam of ratings milk.