(1,2) The discussion of the Biden pardon is moronic. Just stop. He did the right thing. The suggestion that it will give Trump the fuel to pardon people that he was already planning to pardon for January 6th is a bullshit talking point. This is just the media spreading Trump bullshit.
Expect more pay-to-play pardons this term though.
Is Guantanamo still open for business?
They are brain dead losers.
Of course he needed a broad sweeping federal part and going back to 2014
What else would people expect?
There IS news - like what’s happening in the old SSR countries. Cover that.
Forget endless bs on #Biden
Cover the reasons to NOT certify this Insurrectionist, who should never hv bn on th ballot in th 1st place!
And anyone who says that they wouldn't have done for their child given the exact same circumstances is lying to themselves.
why are we judging the pardon based on its relative morality to trump's pardons? can't we judge it on its own merits? we already know trump is a horrible person