The Russian Useful Idiot in The White House wants to protect Tesla with this illegal order? But children & parents should "get over" school shootings? With one moronic action, Trump will do more to protect his billionaire boy toy than he did to protect families across America.
Trump calls attacks on Tesla “domestic terrorism” – but school shootings? “Get over it.” Protecting Musk’s billions matters more than protecting American families. This is corruption at the highest level – STOP IT NOW! 💥🔥👊
It’s good enough for school shooting victims, so it’s good enough for elon.
The more Musk loses, the better for everyone. Watch all the other billionaires back down and about face when he disappears.
Seriously, considering ready to turning off the gas to Trump’s White House—courtesy of WGL Holdings, a Canadian-owned company. Trump’s approval of the WGL takeover in 2017 could come back to haunt him. #Politics #EnergyLeverage