That Musk has anything to do with our futures is a shitstain on America that must end.
As someone who has actually buried a child, this fucked up monster does not deserve children. He does not deserve our money adding to his wealth. He should be treated as the scum of the earth that he is.
As someone who has actually buried a child, this fucked up monster does not deserve children. He does not deserve our money adding to his wealth. He should be treated as the scum of the earth that he is.
He is consumed with himself.
I seriously doubt he's ever had to truly contend with an actual negative consequence stemming from his behaviour in his entire life.
Billions of dollars turn terrible people into terrible monsters.
Vivan and Jamie are STILL putting good into the world, and they are living here in Bluesky and in our hearts!
A clear and present danger
Taking out their personal vendetta’s & revenge on everyone else.
It’s absurd.
He’s a fucking bloodless monster
Just saying.
This POS is complete scum.
He is someone who also actually buried a child, his first born. I guess he no longer thinks about that child since he can so casually toss around those words about his living child.
This piece of shit has no fucking idea, and how dare he even think about commenting something like this. Talk about a "mind virus".. 🙄