I was thinking more things that where “sky” related “ did you see my new ____” fill in with “wave, cloud, skynote, blues, puff, echoes, flurries” something like that the app is called Bluesky
I like ‘bleets’ …then we could have ‘blurts’ (about things that pop into our heads) and ‘bleaks’ (when we’re saying depressing things). And we are bleeting.
Oh my god, day made. Dare I say we’re in store for Bluesky discourse on the best-ofs this year?? First Scott lets his political leanings slip on today’s episode, and now Paul’s on Bluesky… the world is looking up boys
SLUNTS! My writing partner and I came up with that word for a science fiction film future-slang insult and it felt so casually dirty, condescending, and insulting that whenever one of us wants to make the other turn red, we call one another a slunt.
“tweets” ❌
“posts” ❌
“metamorphoses” ✅ ✅ ✅
Slunt the eff off
Bleep ❓️❔️
Blunt ❌️
Blip ⁉️
Skeet ❌️❌️❌️
Skybidi ✅️
Rays 👍👍
"I beeped that yesterday"
"Did you see my ReBeep"
"That's a great beep."
Except I think she is currently busy sending out slunts about the good word #peeenis!
Sounds too much like sluts.
the name should be "flutter" in homage to our logo
“They ought to tear this whole place down. Nothing more than a breeding ground for tranks, lo-bos, and zipheads.”
-Back to the Future Part II (1989)
✅✅✅ “sluntfeed”
Better than my “Bloots” idea
Butterfly emerging from a chrysalis. But I feel like it should be mono-syllabic.
“blunts” ✅
We should take the time to appreciate how beautiful this platform is every time we use it :3