My belated best-books-I-read-in-2024 piece over on Dorian's blog!
(Belated because I didn't write it until 2 weeks ago)
(Belated because I didn't write it until 2 weeks ago)
Reposted from
Dorian Stuber
Hell yeah, Friday night drop of’s year in review!
(MAINLY delighted, obviously. 🍷)
As for the gofundme, unfortunately I‘m broke (the guest blogs are not helping here, ), but just in case you don’t know this one, maybe a little something for the Joseph Roth donation box.
(And thank you!)
Short pithy reviews with the occasional dip into taking potshots work for me, and you're good at them.
I’m the sort of person who, when someone changes their avatar or username, it’s like I never met them in my life before.