Two of many markers-of-our-times moments in abysmal MAGA rant last night.
——"We won't forget it," to the Chief 'Justice' who gave him sweeping immunity, after running out the clock for months and months on the Jan 6 case;
——Addressing a sitting US Senator as 'Pocahontas' from the dais.
Two of many markers-of-our-times moments in abysmal MAGA rant last night.
——"We won't forget it," to the Chief 'Justice' who gave him sweeping immunity, after running out the clock for months and months on the Jan 6 case;
——Addressing a sitting US Senator as 'Pocahontas' from the dais.
Reposted from
Anna Bower
“Thank you again. Thank you again. Won’t forget it,” Trump says while shaking the hand of Supreme Court Justice John Roberts after the State of the Union.
In rhetorical and civic-decency times, I thought Trump had hit bottom with his inauguration speech.
Lesson: Never think Trump has hit bottom.
Not going to stoop to writing about the "guy on a subway you can't get away from" last night.
He doesn't hesitate as if looking for a word before launching into his few brain-grooved phrases. He just says them over and over.
It's so wrong, in so many ways.
He sold his soul for this simpleton.
The SCOTUS is mostly clowns. But I assume even they would prefer not to be subjected to this
I wonder what is the historical origin of the notion that they should attend?