Won't matter to them. There's no amount of educating them to make a difference. It's a cult. The amount of justification, no, worship, of Trump will forever be mind boggling to people who aren't dumber than dirt. I've tried and tried. I give up. They're on their own. They're all-in no matter what.
40 million American seniors depend on those deposits to pay their rent and mortgages, buy medicines and groceries, with hopes of enough left over to buy treats for the grandkids.
I live in deep-red MAGA country. Unless the FAFO directly affects them, they don't care 😔 I don't want anyone to starve, but they keep tempting fate--they're certain white Republican Jesus will save them.
I realize if the SSA missed a monthly benefit payment (including mine) it would create great hardship to millions. On the other hand I can’t think of a greater wake up call for voters that would motivate them to put a stop to Trump’s madness.
REALLY? So you’re speaking first hand and are relying on that check to live and eat. Literally knowing that you’re one missed check from homelessness and starvation. Why must our elected legislators allow the destruction of millions to do their damn jobs and uphold their oaths of office???
I think too many of them will continue to swallow every lie they are fed by Trump and the rest of the corrupt administration. All these decades later and the hardworking poor who vote republican still haven’t learned their being kept poor because of who they politically support.
Some Magas are to far gone.
Had a not so pleasant call from my brother a few hours ago. Which we've only spoken 3 times in the last 6 months.
I was trying to talk sense to him about what the felon & Musk is doing. He blew up,told me to F off,never talk to him again & to go to hell then hung up.
I emailed my representative and both senators. Ironically, two of the three Nebraska representatives will not allow emails unless I live in their district. I can only email my representative in the house. It’s because of the volume of emails.
I call the Capital and ask the operator directly for a specific Senator's or Rep's office and they transfer me. I use this to call other members of congress that are not from my state but could possible be persuaded to vote a certain way.
Oh we're already hearing -- they can't do that... I depend on that check being on time to pay "my bills".
Don't they realize a vast majority of American millionaires & billionaires don't pay their bills on time. They have the power to avoid late fees, etc too.
It appears we are way past the time for an impeachment and trial for treason. Our legislators are sitting idly by ignoring citizens. I’d say congress is now also in violation of their oath of office—where are the signs of them “defending the constitution… against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”
We need a unified voice
This is the only way out now
Click links for info
It's utterly abominable and I hate it.
I see what you did there.
"Social Security has never missed a benefit payment since the program first began sending individuals monthly benefits more than eight decades ago."
To have that level of consistency and two men who come in and f**k it right up is astounding.
Had a not so pleasant call from my brother a few hours ago. Which we've only spoken 3 times in the last 6 months.
I was trying to talk sense to him about what the felon & Musk is doing. He blew up,told me to F off,never talk to him again & to go to hell then hung up.
Don't they realize a vast majority of American millionaires & billionaires don't pay their bills on time. They have the power to avoid late fees, etc too.
"where have all the flowers gone"?👍