This is how they will do it. They will lie that you weren't legitimately on Medicaid. And then... that you were being overpaid Social Security. With zero documentation. Then poof, it's gone. Bookmark it.
Reposted from
Scott Perry says no one ‘legitimately’ on Medicaid will lose coverage
It's mind blowing what garbage the red parts of PA will vote for
He's not as bad but he still sucks
Like they did for claiming asylum. Make some detail or specifics illegal.
lying is lying
They do not care about us or whether we die. ..The American people are just collateral damage to these monsters. I don’t know why people don’t see this.
Remains to be seen...
You go on the ssa website
It tells you to
To make an appointment
You call the #
A recording says no one can take your call
[Signed pastey white guy that is very not O.K. with this!]
It’s not like the sledgehammer-&-chainsaw-wielding DOGE kids are conducting analysis.