That was a good one! This is what happens when you put a bunch of novices together in responsible positions without anyone of actual expertise in the room, or an adult for that matter. They should all resign in shame. They are fortunate this is not ancient Japan & we don't enforce Seppuku.
The Klown Kar Kabal has become a Klown Kar Kabaret, but is anybody surprised? So much of Donnie Darko & Co. is performative—a show of might, American dominance draped in the star n bars—that the optics are starting to blind both sides of the lens.
Ok just quit it, why the fuck did I miss? What did Gary Busey do now~~ is this the same Gary Busey that is in Big Wednesday? Great surf film by the way, isn't alcohol his favorite no-no? As in, he abandoned his brother due to the brother's alcoholism, but this guy can fuck around and burn down his entire administration with half his cabinet locked inside, and it's all good?
This is the same guy who left secrets next to his gold toilet at Mar-a-loco and casually blabs at cocktail parties. And this is only the sh!t we know about. It’s likely the Russians know more about American secrets than Americans know about dirty Don’s.
Amazing leadership
I can’t even remember Scott Baio’s title in this administration
Ten years ago is that a sentence you’d ever have contemplated.