The way he worries and tries to help Xie Lian as soon as he sees the wound... he still cares so much about him... please just hug... my heart can't handle this I need them to be friends again.....
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Feng Xin really is a pure soul. I love he so much!
I do like Feng Xin but I never could get a close connection to him like I did to XL, HC or QYZ.
I want to give him a treat and pat his head, but suffering too much for him is not in me because I already suffer with the others so much QAQ
For me the Side Chats i Love Always Shift a little. He Xuan was a great Love for me. Exhausted King is Just too relatable.
And currently i Fall more and more in Love with quan yizhen.
But tgcf has Just so many loveable Charakters!