After alot of sets and testing Lucilius is definitely still fine in rising.
I don't think there is really anything they could do to this character that would cause me to drop the game or stop entering community brackets.
I don't think there is really anything they could do to this character that would cause me to drop the game or stop entering community brackets.
lucilius feels like such a hard character to attempt to balance
it feels like any change to his kit either cripples him immensely or makes him super strong
I think if they curved out his cool down reduction more smoothly he would feel less clunky to play. As it is right now BL 0/1/2 locks you at 12~10 second CDs for a long time.
i feel like tweaking the cooldowns but just nerfing the damage bonuses on higher blade levels would make for a decent compromise
their strat of nerfing the blade level gain which makes him go without resources longer than other characters is silly
So he's still like fine if not decent.
I think we're squarely in a place where he needs soft number tweaks rather then big changes