Imagine you're reading a novel and they're about to quote shakespeare and all it says is "this content is unavailable due to a copyright claim by Globe Theatre Media"
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You get a new edition from the library after it's fixed and the quote is backwards and zalgo-text and there's a footnote saying "hey guys, sorry about that, Globe is really anal about their content"
I mean, like... they do? That's basically exactly what Fair Use is?
(I could be misunderstanding what you're asking for, or I could have a misunderstanding of the law because IANAL, & also my already limited law understanding is USA-specific, & also aspects of Fair Use are for sure contentious.)
I meant like you're allowed to put copyrighted things into your work even if the work makes money as long as you're not copying someone else's work bar for bar and it was done for good-faith reasons. Which IIRC is more lenient than fair use.
The fact people (or rather, peoples publishing/record companies usually) don’t take it as an HONOR that their art is being referenced… if someone referenced my art in their art I’d be honored like wow. I’m relevant enough that u expect ppl to get that reference to my work???? I helped ur art???
imagine humans going through one of their book burning phases -again- but because all records are in those books we lose all that history, then only the AI would be able to tell us how Shakespeare was the best NHFL player ever.
(I could be misunderstanding what you're asking for, or I could have a misunderstanding of the law because IANAL, & also my already limited law understanding is USA-specific, & also aspects of Fair Use are for sure contentious.)