Ok, also, on a separate line of thinking: there’s a really lot of money in tech, and yet the big innovations have all led to artists being paid less. Streaming music is the clearest example, but not the only one. Why, actually, couldn’t Meta have paid people for their writing to train the LLM?
I would still be able to say “well, my use is nonprofit,” but it’s a weaker +
I don’t think they add up to a simple escape clause for nonprofits. Eg if Meta establishes that there is a market for “training AI on a corpus” it tends to support +
Les selfishly, I also think it’s a bad precedent to establish for the future of open inquiry that all intellectual content is property and any form of learning from a book requires a payment to the creator.
but would also keep more diffuse forms of learning free & fair use
But technology & law don’t care at all about my moral feelings.