The SCOTUS is not gonna like this type of trash talk. In my experience with Judges and courts (limited compared to lawyers yet extensive compared to general public), Judges do not take well to talk like this. They can get punitive. Might help us.
I'm not into censoring media yet - this is propaganda, not media. I think we're also seeing how effective things like the Fairness Doctrine were nad it's time to modernized and re-introduce those types of laws.
Would you like a do over? Because you need one. What I'd like to see is instead of you being an ass, you;d reach more people with: FD was a policy est b y the FCC, not a law, although often confused. Propaganda is protected speech, like it or not. And explain your perspective instead of bashing.
My aunt's the same way. She taught me really young that sometimes, you just can't save someone from stupid no matter how hard you try to reason with them.
She’s so old and stuck in her ways at this point it would be like talking to a wall plus there’s no use in getting her upset with me so I just try not bringing up politics.
Conspiracy theorists have made a lot of progress from “germany didn’t lose WWi” to now bombarding unsuspecting audiences with this stuff on youtube and fox
That’s horrible. And facts won’t even get through to them anymore. I could watch FOX all day and would just laugh at the non-sense and hate on there because I can easily tell it’s all propaganda. I just don’t understand how other people can’t see that as well.
I have a friend of 30+ years who was the same-liberal hippie peace loving, she’s now a meanie red hat. Doesn’t even physically look the same. I lost respect and even more importantly, trust. I just don’t trust her anymore
@Rep Richard Dangler— We have groups for that! Women get together in our Facebook Chat and rage and then calm each other down and find projects not do.
My brother, too. Between Fox & working with right wingers at the arsenal. Shit, he even started using straight up pesticides in his formerly all organic garden. I cut him off, no contact. How a man with 3 daughters, 3 granddaughters could vote for tRump is beyond me.
That's the thing. They aren't all stupid. When I was Christian I had friends, elite scientists, including a cousin, at Sandia & Los Alamos labs. My cousin's wife, who works in top secret, international level at Los Alamos is in some crazy Catholic based cult. Ignorant, yes. Stupid, no.
Sadly, my Dad has also succumbed to the cult thanks to Fox. The resistance should be absolutely flooding that network with the truth. Why isn’t it happening?!
I'm finally watching The Brainwashing of My Dad on youtube. It explains a lot. I'm also reading Attack From Within by Barbara McQuade about how disinformation is destroying our country.
The angry man talk radio to Fox News Pipeline of the 90s took my wonderful father from me. I'm so glad he died before 2016 or our relationship would have ended. They hacked his brain. Fear is the best tool to manipulate people with.
My dad is "dead". Bill O'reilly dissolved him in a vat of hatred and lies and whoever he was before that is entirely gone- he's a semi-sentient Faux News propaganda piece now. Hurts to have lost my dad but I saw it coming since we first talked politics.
Both of my parents died before the red menace took office but they always were tuned into FOX whenever I visited in the early oughts and their thinking had altered. They were always republicans but didn’t vote for Bush. A steady diet of FOX left them critical of Obama
Fox News has destroyed a generation of people, maybe more. My mom, an aunt, and MIL don't know how to tell fact & opinion, & are totally brainrotted on this stuff.
The ANGER, even after winning, is mind-blowing.
Held hostage by the idea that they are always under attack, always the persecuted, etc.
They sure did! My entire side is maga. We don’t talk these days. Some needed to be blocked. It’s more peaceful, they are zombified and make zero sense. Plus their ignorance is off the charts.
I’m convinced they did a mass hypnotism experiment. Repetition of words like radical left, lunatic, crooked, mandate, deranged, demented, “all 7 swing states,”… certain trigger words activate the one remaining brain cell these people have. And brother, that brain cell is hangin’ on by a thread!
100% We know there are people that exist whose entire job is to get into peoples’ minds - for example, the advertising industry. There’s no way they didn’t use any of those tricks on something this huge!
I believe it! Dude, there is no way they didn’t use that kind of stuff! I know people can be dumb, but the way SO many of them are this dumb about him…it isn’t natural.
Ok, THANK YOU FOR SAYING THIS! I saw two subliminal messages on TeamTrump’s first White House press conference in 1/17. I realized THEN & THERE that we are dealing with a well funded psy ops attack. MAGA IS A MASSIVE PSY OPS ATTACK. But who is doing the attacking? WHO FUNDS IT?!?!
In the 90s+ I was in the church/Fox News bubble. Its difficult to get out. When church has become the center of life, fox news is the only news 'allowed'. Its pure brainwashing. Anyone can. I'm glad to have escaped the cult. They scare the hell out of me now.
Without question. Somewhere here on Blsky someone was talking about the Clinton scandals and how benign these seem now. I commented the difference is Fox News.
Per ChatGPT they cover 70% of the US population. Supposedly the FCC is supposed to limit any ownership to 39%. Although it also says it is 185 stations. Probably doesn’t count the ones that it doesn’t own but only operates.
He has a whole lot of company but he certainly owns the maga eyeballs.The world of shit message fox spins just churns and turns daily and has poisoned the U.S and others.The script the hosts spin are designed exclusively for their demo. Angry old folks, racist haters, and let’s face it low info ppl.
Agree. When this christofascist nightmare is over (months, years, or decades from now - I don’t know), sane people need to address how to deal with the disinformation machine called Fox News.
Rupert Murdoch has successfully fulfilled Nikita Khrushchev's prediction "We will take America without firing a shot. We do not need to invade the US. We will destroy you from within" (1956) with a disinformation campaign of far right ideology in the form of Fox "News".
Murdoch lies to folks on Fox, but notice with investors and the Wall Street Journal, he posts more truths. Like Biden’s economy the envy of the world, and how tariffs are tanking the economy. He plays both sides. Eat the rich!
Propaganda is protected speech. What you want is no First Amendment. That’s a shitty desire. Do better.
We desperately need the Fairness Doctrine back. Been saying this for a decade.
Foot up the ass becomes a reality, not just a saying.
The ANGER, even after winning, is mind-blowing.
Held hostage by the idea that they are always under attack, always the persecuted, etc.
They're never going to vote rationally. They're in a cult and cult members don't change.
81 million voted for Biden. 75 million voted for Harris. Let's get the 6 million back.
MAGA/Fox viewers can all go to hell.