Wonder what Nancy will say when the first trans man is voted into congress. I guess he will have to use the women's bathroom according to her rules. What is her take on intersex individuals? And finally, why doesn't she just go away.
They’ll bitch about anything. So, Nancy Mace let me bitch about something. Why don’t you try flying 8 hours on a C-130 with about 70 guys and NO bathroom for me, the only female. Now, STFU ya ridiculous wench.
So eventually Nancy Mace goes to purgatory and is assigned to share a bathroom with Marjorie Toilet Greene and Bimbert, for ETERNITY. Before long she cries and pleads, "I can't stand it anymore, please, please let me out, I'll even share with that trans woman.." But God just chuckles.
That sign should be removed. If Congress is so concerned, authorize the money to install two more private bathrooms in those areas. Find some of that laundered money and put that towards them. Close the gym. Go take out a private membership like everyone else has to. Appears like high schoolism.
Hey Fred, Did Mike Johnson and the others tell all the trans women on the right not to vote for them? Will this ban Caitlyn Jenner from those same restrooms? Just wondering.
Oh, I'll never forget about the ERA for women and the horror of having a shared bathroom. Are any of these people married? Do any of them have any common sense? Have any of them ridden on an airplane?
Something with her doesn't add up. She was a victim of SA, yet supports men credibly accused of SA. She uses that to deny and marginalize others. At 15, I was a victim of SA by a man. I would never support those credibly accused of SA, nor would I use that marginalize others.
I'm not sure about anyone else, but doing sneak peeks of other human's genitalia while in a bathroom is usually a good way to get one's nose broken, just trying to point the obvious out here.
Yup, Nazi Republicans are total-control freaks. Imagine wanting to control everyone’s bathroom and bedroom! Next they’ll come after our praying spaces!
And this is just the beginning.
Think Hitler, and you will see where Trump is leading us.
Gendered bathrooms really only became common once women entered the workforce. Before that bathrooms were public and had no genders. Men and women all used the same loo. This is stupid
She acts as if there’s more than one person at a time in the bathroom. All of the unisex BR I’ve seen are one stall. Does she think she will catch something from the seat?
There's an obvious parallel between people who objected to racial equality and interracial marriage and people who object to LGBT rights.
It's so patently obvious that the objections turn out to be bogus and bigoted, and the objections ultimately fail. And when they fail, the proponents disappear.
Lest we forget the married Sen Larry Craig arrested for lewd conduct in a bathroom at Minneapolis-St Paul Intl Airport. He spent ages on Larry King peddling likely stories about his "wide stance" hence his feet and God knows what else appearing in the cubicle next door.
Republicans are wasting time on the shit “ no pun intended” instead of providing single public stalls for all genders. Trans are not using women’s bathrooms to rape anyone. If anything straight men would dress up as women do this! Then MAGA will cover it up under the standard trumpgatz process.
Why are some people so fixated on people just going in somewhere to pee? This is not some sort of darkly lit dive bar where all sorts of nefarious things happen in the shadows. It’s a bathroom with stalls.
In a bathroom, NORMAL people aren't even really cognizant of others. You go in, relieve, get out. You want to get out in less than a minute, usually - it's not a 'social call'. Not unless you're acting like a high school girl who does her best plotting & planning - & bullying - in bathrooms.
Seriously why are they so obsessed with people’s genitals? When I go to the bathroom, I just want people to keep it clean and wash their fucking hands. Never once gave a shit about what’a between someone’s legs.
In the men’s room for real men only, I go to the toilet to use it & there is this massive pile of brown stuff clogging it, no method to clear it & damn, I surely do not want to sit there.
No maintenance guy anywhere.
If I knock on the women’s door & enter, will be arrested?
The Congresswoman sent out a statement that made perfect sense and was reasonable.
Continually going on and on and on her behalf which again she clearly spoke for herself isn’t helping.
Stop doing this.
Love to know how they'll police this.
Does someone stand at the door and inspect their bits before entry?
Or do they have to wear a badge of some kind?
Maybe it’s time to get rid of his & her bathrooms & replace them with gender neutral restrooms. Banks of lockable, no gap stalls (including changing tables) with areas open to public view for sinks and hand dryers. Some schools are starting to do it.
I remember in the 60's taking road trips with my parents and the further south we got I would see signage for "Whites Only". Drinking fountains, bathrooms, restaurants and it was always more prevalent in places like Oklahoma, Texas & Missouri. Mom would say, "Just don't pay attention".
Just because learning is fun: transgender is an adjective. It’s generally understood as disrespectful to the entire community to refer to anyone as “a transgender” even if you’re trying to show disrespect to a bigot for the sake of defending transgender people.
I’m pretty sure she’s not. I’ve known some trans people who were not my personal cup of tea, but still overall decent-to-awesome people. She’s… nothing like that.
Also, this means women like me, who are very tall and broad, will be accused of being trans and harassed.
Stop checking everyone else’s junk
And this is just the beginning.
Think Hitler, and you will see where Trump is leading us.
(Checks notes) 0 deaths from trans people taking a piss in a public bathroom in 2023
Republicans, always focused on the real issues of our time…
💡Which reminded me of this wonderful feature Bluesky has: blocking words we don’t want to see in our feeds.
It's so patently obvious that the objections turn out to be bogus and bigoted, and the objections ultimately fail. And when they fail, the proponents disappear.
And I write that as a lifelong Dem who happens to be a lifelong lesbian.
Women are having this conversation even if my party continues to mock us for standing up for our rights.
If it weren’t for Republicans, I don’t think we’d EVER hear about genitals in the news.
In the men’s room for real men only, I go to the toilet to use it & there is this massive pile of brown stuff clogging it, no method to clear it & damn, I surely do not want to sit there.
No maintenance guy anywhere.
If I knock on the women’s door & enter, will be arrested?
I hate anything about her
Even her time at the Citadel because that was all her daddy’s influence
Continually going on and on and on her behalf which again she clearly spoke for herself isn’t helping.
Stop doing this.
Don’t they have anything more important to do than argue about bathrooms?!
Here’s an idea, make them all unisex! I share bathrooms with my wife and daughter. No one cares!
Does someone stand at the door and inspect their bits before entry?
Or do they have to wear a badge of some kind?
Everyone else
I mean, how would we know?