As an example the bill Biden just signed which undermines trans rights once again, after making so many strides forward. Of all the things Biden could have done in his last days.
For a long time now, I have been saying that Democrats consistently allow Republicans to force them to play defense and never, ever force Republicans to play defense.
Buttigieg is very good at defense and turning things around. AOC is very good at Offense. They should be running things.
Lefties like Willis use the term "Blue MAGA" to attack mainstream Democrats and the Democratic Party base that consistently rejects the people who want to do what they admti are "hostile takeovers" of the Democratic Party.
Believe he's actually spot on. It's been freaking crickets from the Dems since the election. So caught up in the 'old way' of doing things because the 'dem establishment' controls the party their voters have been left blowing in the wind ALONE. Blue MAGA is an apt description imo.
Thank you. Our Liberal Party in Canada suffers from a similar paralysis: if they think a piece of legislation is necessary but won’t pass, they chicken out instead of forcing the opposition to act. It guarantees a self-inflicted lack of accomplishment.
Fred, it’s a good essay and the truth, but I’ve heard this over and over multiple times since the election. We need someone or some group to take the bull by the horns and make something happen.
Organize and make this happen. We need big names to do this.
People with real power so other people,
the masses, truly listen. Surely we must have people with communication and organization skills and degrees that know how to get this done in the 21stC. Can the DNC please organize this! You are a left independent source people trust. Can the Independent sources please organize and come up with a
plan? We need to organize and then communicate a cohesive truthful message to the masses over and over again. We need to come up with a plan how to get that message to the masses too. Which platforms? Blue Sky is great, but its reach is limited so far.
The closing 👍🏿!:
“I don’t think soothing the egos of powerful people leading the party, arguing that they ran “perfect” campaigns, is worth that cost. Any kind of MAGA mindset hurts America, whether it is wearing a red hat for Trump or making excuses for decades of failed Democratic Party operation.”
I only skimmed it. Liberal here-registered independent. My take isn't about perfect policies or presentation, it's belief in decency. As a rape survivor, I couldn't fathom the disregard 70 million have for the safety of women over their party or purses. He's an adjudicated rapist & convicted felon.
We need MORE AOCs, MORE Jasmine Crockett's, more Swalwells, more Schiffs. More people willing to say the things we need to hear to be energized. We don't need more Schumers and Warners and Kaines. We don't need Durbins. They may be nice guys and smart, but they won't move the needle.
Exactly, the communication problem is tied to the age problem. I will never understand how a 74 yr old man with cancer is a better choice to head the House Oversight Committee than AOC. Unforgivable IMHO.
Let’s not forget that the rw disinfo was at 11 for the entirety of Biden’s presidency. I heard one guy even bought Twitter (with foreign help).
Let’s not forget that Putin and Iran caused Afghanistan to collapse, waged war against Ukraine and sparked the Hamas Israel war, all of which helped trump.
If Kamala could have done one thing it would have been to be true un-managed Kamala, universal healthcare etc. Who knew she could have shot an insurance scammer on Fifth Avenue and been elected in a landslide. Until, obvi, the corrupts amend their presidents я kings rule with the qualifier “white”.
She didn't run center right. She was in step with or a bit to the left of Biden, who was solidly liberal. E.g. on home healthcare for the elderly, and on FP.
Kamala spent a lot of time pumping up her republican bonafides with the likes of Liz Cheney and did nothing on the front of people wanting positive social change, a little sugar here or there twas all.
She was trying to get sane people who normally don't vote for us to vote. It may have worked. And you're simply lying re social change. She wasn't trying to foment a revolution, which no one would vote for anyway, but she was trying to make things better for actual people.
Apparently no such sane people exist (or at least there are too few of them), so it was a failed attempt. In hindsight, Kamala ought to have run a campaign that could have excited the fence sitters. Apparently “tax cuts and incentive programs for kids” doesn’t sell as well as eating cats and dogs.
Biden pushed labor issues to an amazing degree. And a left-appeasing industrial policy. He spent on infrastructure and climate change. He appointed tons of POC judges. He stood by the rule of law. It would be silly to call him anything but a solid liberal.
I love Biden. Why wouldn’t call him anything but a “mostly” great president.
Why would we want the appointment of people of color to be defined as “liberal” when “Biden exercised good policy reflecting the composition and values of America” is better?
Affirmative action to rectify our long history of white men taking all the power is a liberal value. Biden was a mostly great president who mostly represented the highest liberal values.
Thanks for the link. I skimmed it and I'm going to actually read it later but it's 100% right! Dems SUCK at talking to Americans, fighting misinformation or giving the appearance of caring about our country. You do a good job but you aren't an elected official and that's who we need to be hearing!
1. Twain didn't write or say that. It was attributed to him after his death, yet the concept of lies being faster than the truth had circulated in various forms since the 1700s.
2. Democrats are just bad at messaging. Period. It was obvious as far back as I can remember. The lies just made it worse.
AOC was on Joy's show about a week after the election, and she made this point, that the Rs talk to the people, "I'm fighting for YOU." And that, ofc, they are LYING.
But she said Dems need to say "I'm fighting for YOU." And meanwhile they're telling the truth.
Mah pearls are suitably clutched, honey chile. It’s the campaign-industrial complex. Vote Blue, even if they’re poo. Recipe for electoral cynicism & apathy.
Dem critics always talk about messaging. The messaging is there…but with msm and social media in the tank with maga, the real question to me is how to magnify it.
That is also part of messaging. Not just the message but getting it to people repeatedly. It’s not enough to have a good message if people don’t see it. MSM isn’t enough. It’s alternative media, social media, podcasts, vodcasts, over and over. Go everywhere. Go on every show. We don’t do that.
For 4 years heard nothing about what Biden and Hassis. Schumer doesn’t communicate well. Buttigieg seemed to be the main face demcrates and couldn’t do it by himself. People want what we want, and democrats can’t communicate it. Just started seeing what Biden has done this month. To little to late.
Spot on.What MAGA has that Democrats don’t is an arrogance when they speak. A swagger.
Do we want these things? I don’t!
BUT humans see other humans that are EXTREMELY SURE about their beliefs and they are psychologically programmed to follow. It seems even being blatantly wrong is not considered
We ALL think we are right about everything. Humans couldn’t function without that. Some of US are willing to hear otherwise and some are SET and HARDENED in our views.
It seems that being naively SET and HARDENED is an evolutionary benefit that people like to follow.
Trump is the epitome of this. He is SET and HARDENED even after he changes his mind in public…or holds both positions in a debate.
It’s his confidence that invites followers.
people didn’t vote allowing the “reality tv” sycophants to bring in the crass “you’re fired” faded orange mess to manipulate the show…while oligarchs will control tRump as he fades with age…Thiel’s yes man is the Manchurian candidate stop with the Dems is disarray BS…Biden won with Pelosi et al
I 100% agree with this. And it impacts state elections as well. The MT Dem Party was godawful with communications this cycle and won’t get behind bold policies that invigorate people and move the needle. Now every major office is Republican. We’ll continue losing if we don’t do a major overhaul.
The term "blue MAGA" really really sucks. It gives the impression of "both sidesing" MAGA with the left, which is just objectively a hideously warped narrative. Yes D's need to acknowledge that they need to do better. No "the perfect message" wouldn't have magically fixed it. What they need to /1
do better is find a way to effectively counter the RW propaganda machinery. Endless circular firing squads about "the message" will not fix anything when no one is hearing "the message" anyway above the din of RW propaganda. /2
? She had many specific policy proposals to address cost of living - housing, medical, repro freedom, strengthening strategic partnerships, standing up to Putin, ceasefire in the ME, I "gleaned" plenty. 70k at the Ellipse, many high-energy rallies, a great convention. What did you glean from Trump?
The fact that she loss doesn't mean she was a poor candidate. It means that the RW propaganda machinery is dominant and the left needs to do something to try to counter that.
The epitome of Dem Disconnect is Senator Schumer fundraising texts/emails last fall asking for money to support his 'No President is a King Act'. I suggested he rename it 'Close the Barn Door after the Cow is Gone Act' and that he could fucking pound sand. Worthless ineffective Kabuki theater BS!
I hate the term blue maga. And the fact that it was venting without a clue to solutions. But otherwise he is spot on. Democrats absolutely suck at messaging, campaigning and getting the party to unite. New leadership at the DNC & in Senate would be a good start.
Still beating the dead horse. The one thing MAGA has over the left is unity. That’s how elections are won. Political purity and second guessing from elite Dems is why we lose.
First, I’m sorry…you think the Republicans are unified? Second, this is about growing and getting better. Believing we are awesome and it’s just “Americans” that are too stupid to get it is a death spiral. This isn’t disloyal. It’s honest discussion to improve.
No one blindly says “We’re Awesome”, but armchair quarterbacking is why people are leaving MSM. Maybe you’re not aware of the barrage of posts explaining to us simple minded Dems that everything we do is wrong
I hear you. At the DNC, Michelle Obama mentioned something to the likes of "We tend to have the Goldilocks complex." We want each and everything at once but not willing to start with something, like getting Harris/Walz in the WH.
True to an extent, but makes no difference electorally my friend. If they are concerned about it then Dems need to speak to those concerns. Dismissing their concerns as you do is pure folly. It’s why they end up voting for Trump.
Point the concern at the true enemy of the people, health insurance scammers whilst also doing all the right things on securing our borders and introducing real and impactful immigration reform.
MAGA concerns are, as are most others, even liberals. I don't hear anyone worried about French or Canadian immigrants. It's the southern border, and it is full of racist concerns (disease, lazy, criminal). Democrats embraced a huge reform package that many didn't like, and Republicans killed it.
Dems have no leaders, no voice right now & moving forward we better find it.
The far left won’t win and finding an effective centrist ‘may’ be key (yeah Bill Clinton said it best).
We have great young legislators but the country isn’t ready.
lets be clear about what bluemaga actually is: its blind loyalty to a leadership that has clearly failed u.
we need new leadership across the board. people still defending pelosi over aoc or schiff over porter or who think garland just needed to cross some more t's!!
Former Californian here and I was on team Pelosi. She ruled the house with an iron grip and if she brought a bill to the floor it was gonna pass but she is no longer is working for the success of the Democratic party and needs to go. Poster child for age limits in congress.
A good start at changing things would be putting younger diverse people in charge. AOC losing a committee chair to an old white guy is a perfect example.
I've decided Dems message is fine we're bad at compelling people to listen. We don't have enough charisma to open enough ears. Not enough used car salesman so to speak.
I would argue that “charisma” isn’t the issue. The key to a used car salesman approach is they are relentless. They are repeating their simple messages over and over on multiple channels. It’s a simple sales pitch repeated relentlessly. We don’t do that. How many press conferences did Biden hold?
Our side should've been girded for the outcome on November 5th. We wouldn't acknowledge what our eyes were relaying to our cerebral cortexes. Namely, that the Trump crowd knew they had it won. Look no further than the MSG rally and the aftermath. Bottom line: the Dems failed miserably at messaging.
i ascribe a lot of it, not all but a lot, to an insistence on old mostly white leadership, which is largely out of touch with how the modern real world works, and the needs and priorities of their would-be constituents.
I agree conceptually with Oliver Willis. Now I would like to see an equally clear exposition on what exact steps he would take to engage and convince the majority of voters of the efficacy of the policies promoted by the Dems.
To show my sincerity. I'll provide my favorite example.
"Defund the police" was a real loser in most people's minds. To them it meant a lack of police protection, not enabling the police to do their job by supplementing them with experts in mental illness, addiction, housing and wrap around services
I resent the term Maga tied to any Democrat. Maga is fanaticism where lies are embraced as truth and the "other" is the cause of all problems. I am sure he used it for effect. I agree that Democrats have severe communication problems, are poor at politics, and make questionable leadership decisions.
He hit the bullseye. Some will hate the language choice of "blue maga" and disregard everything else he said, which further proves his point. We are a big tent that will collapse if we don't learn to listen & communicate with each other effectively. We can't do that from a place of stubborn pride. This is where the Party's disdain of liberal websites and blogs really shows true, they were idiots not to help and promote us. They needed every possible voice out there to help them.
Oliver Willis complaining about the Democrats who actually won elections and made major progress for Americans again? Color me shocked. Like what does he even DO for a living other than complain about Democrats? Almost like he has a vested interest. 🤨
In a nutshell:
1) Dems can't communicate effectively
2) Dems bring a knife to a gun fight
3) Dems' seniority system handcuffs them
4) Dems are still in the pre-internet 20th century
5) Dems can't grasp " if we always do what we've always done, we'll always be what we've always been"
The article does the bad armchair strategist thing, but I think there is some merit to looking at how Democrats spread their message. I think a lot of it done with the assumption that most Americans understand how the government and economy works, and the truth is they don't.
Republicans make the government and economy seem more simple that it is. Democrats are going to have to educate and convince people at the same time. As the villain from Galaxy Quest said, "He doesn't understand! Explain as you would a child."
Sorry, not buying it.
Democrats tell the truth, Republicans flat out lie.
Many of us really are centrist, so claiming Biden & Harris are failures due to that messaging doesn’t work for me.
Didn’t they start taking over radio in the 90’s?
Just like the SCOTUS takeover, the right has been planning for a very long time.
That doesn’t make the left messaging wrong.
And I believe Biden did a fantastic job in 4 years, however I was surprised he decided to seek a 2nd term (although the take-down in the 11th hour was disgusting)
No honest person thought that HARRIS RAN A PERFECT CAMPAIGN. that language by OWILLS is in its own way is GASLIGHTING us. Dude watches FOX NEWS for yrs, he has brain worms.
I completely agree. It’s quite stunning after such a loss that Democratic leadership maintains the status quo. It’s time for the old guard to step aside. It failed us. Period. Now we have to try and preserve what we have. I’m tired of stodgy and old ways by Dems. Wake up “woke” FFS. Out of time.
I’m all for that. I just don’t like the framing of the article. It’s another piece that treats Dems with disdain when they’re the only party fighting for democracy.
Suggesting we’re delusional like MAGA is misleading.
But that’s just me. I’m kind of cranky this morning!
Bob that’s not at all what he is saying. He’s talking about those that say we did no wrong and believe that we can’t improve in any way. Look at some of the other replies to this post.
“preferring instead to only back legislation that has a realistic chance to pass, rather than backing bills designed to fail which would elicit friction with the other side – activating support from voters.”
Right. Pushing bills that have no chance of passing but supporting bills that HAVE A CHANCE, however imperfect like the infrastructure stimulus bills (which BTW were DAMN GOOD) because the numbers in Senate just weren't there shows that all he cares about is performative BS than actual bills
“preferring instead to only back legislation that has a realistic chance to pass, rather than backing bills designed to fail which would elicit friction with the other side – activating support from voters.”
Also, he is lying.
MAGA loses election & blames Dems. Dems blame Dems regardless! Oliver is blaming Dems for not owning a rightwing lying machine, & not lying in unison. And he's disregarding legislation that Biden passed against all odds as failure to promise more! 🙄 He gives no solutions, just empty criticism.
Wow. Some people dont want to hear this. I think it makes sense. We need to analyze and think outside the box to figure out how we get back in there. First rule of brainstorming is not to shit on someone’s ideas and thoughts
Oliver wasn't brainstorming; he was criticizing the party & I disagreed. I don't accept the blame game that starts with "we don't communicate" when Dems don't own TV & radio stations, social media & MSM. Our disadvantage should be well-understood by now: $$$! It's not a mere flaw or an even fight!
Absolutely agree. This drips with empty virtue and seems like it was written for the author to read into the mirror. I’m uninterested in folks who don’t bring solutions. I disagree with the writer on many of their assertions, but mainly that there’s a shred of similarity between MAGA and the Dems.
Insightful article. As with most challenges it comes down to communication. We have to acknowledge: 1-30% of voters stayed home 2-people actually voted for a narcissistic a-hole who couldn’t care less about them. I don’t have any answers but I do know we need to recalibrate and I’m up for listening!
Yes for the most part. Communication hobbles the party’s efforts to legislate effectively. Poor/stale communication is not winning votes. Smarter communication strategies are needed to create smarter, internal strategies that win. We need to be brave and let go of old ways. What was your take?
I get your point. But he also calls out elitist attitudes, incompetency, and lousy communication. Maybe I do have it backwards but I can’t help but feel communication is key in most of the interactions. The article made some great points to think about. Thanks for sharing your insights!
Anyone who voted for a convicted felon & adjudicated sexual abuser for President of the USA is stupid beyond belief. There are many people to choose from; not only is he a felon, but he is also a failed President & unqualified & uneducated for the position. So yes, stupid Americans voted a felon.
The people who use that term are the people who hate Democrats, are not actually Democrats, and want to do a hostile takeover of the party so they can then purge those of us who are Democrats:
If only people like you... and the Lincoln Project team members would reach out and form partnerships to enhance successful messaging and overall communication with key leaders of the Democratic Party.
That article is full of BS. normies never claimed that KH ran a'' perfect campaign''many of ús said that she lacked the time 74 to mount a coordinated effort against trump who'd been campaigning since 2021.Willis is one of guys who watches FOX NEWS a lot & thinks it holds no propaganda sway over him
It’s an accurate description in that both labels denote people who support politicians like sports teams, all or nothing, and shame other voters who don’t agree with them rather than holding individual politicians accountable for their actions/inactions. Horseshoe theory and all that.
I don't even like the term "MAGA". It's a "brand" invented by Trump.
They are ALL Republicans.
ALL Repubs in our Fed Gov/State Gov's support him. They voted for him, they vote with him, they lie for him, they stake their careers and livelihood on him. They go to jail for him.
It’s certainly well deserved, if not helpful b/c, we both know it was born out of constant derision & coordinated dogpiling put forth by said group. These same folks can be helpful now by realizing their approach didn’t win so, we move. They can use their powers for good! Get behind new ppl & push.
On some level, a 2nd trump term is so much better for them and their families. They will get richer than they would under Harris because of the resist grift.
We HAVE to change the language at base level so that when we talk about these subjects, they do not reinforce right wing talking points by repetition (Pavlov, just f'n Pavlov!)
Anti-Democratic becomes Anti-Republic.
Job Creators become Job Withholders...
It's ironic that he (correctly) complains about dem's inept communication but adopts an inaccurate, lazy "Blue MAGA" frame that is sure to alienate the people that need to hear the part he 100% nails:
The infrastructure bill was transformative legislation why does he never mention that? In 2 yrs Biden did stuff stimulus money infrastructure bill ACP(AFFORDABLE CONNECTIVITY PLAN) CHIPS ACT CHILD TAX CREDITS etc etc OW is the king of dishonesty.
I think you’re missing his point. His point is that those well crafted bills were passed with the majority but aren’t truly progressive like major gun reform, protection for abortion, etc. How many times have the GOP voted to roll back the ACA knowing it would lose. The symbolism matters.
When Dems had 58 sens shortly after Obama was elected many of those themselves were conservative centre right Dems like Ben Nelson, David PRYOR/ several others. Simply Bec they have a D in front of their names doesn't mean they are down w/every liberal agenda item.
Dems get 2 yrs to remake the world the way OW wants it to be. Next time take a look at a red/blue màp of America. Outside of major urban cities the Republicans have a big advantage in voting patterns of rural suburban whites. Senate is inherently more n more anti Democratic.
Nah. People are voting for cruelty, and we can't adopt that platform. The message was clear. People just didn't want to hear it from a black woman. It is that sum0le.
That is not at all the message that was clear. Not at all. She had 107 days to dig out of the negative ratings of the Admin. She did an incredible job but it wasn't enough time. We didn't reach enough people. 60 million stayed home. How do we reach them? Only 30% of the electorate voted for Trump.
There’s a reason why the GOP work so hard at voter suppression. Make it hard for people to vote at each stage and some people will not show up. “Staying home” could mean not having the time to wait in 3-4 hr lines because of other obligations.
This whole Blue MAGA trope reeks of Dems in Disarray nonsense. We’ve reached the part where instead of dealing with the real root cause of Harris‘s loss, the Dems are gonna nitpick at each other to establish a pecking order.
Harris‘s messaging was fine. Could it have been better? Of course things can always be better but people didn’t vote for Trump because of her “poor” messaging. They voted for Trump because of his messages of hatred: dirty immigrants, lazy minorities, uppity women, foreign countries who screwing us.
Articles like this don’t do a thing other than act as a vehicle for finger pointing “Dems in Disarray” as the country has to deal with the consequences of electing Trump. By all means there should be a serious retrospective of the Harris campaign, but this ain’t it.
We clearly disagree. Only 30% of voters voted for Trump. If we don’t figure out how to motivate and energize the 60M who stayed home we will never win. Acting like it’s not anything we can do is surrender.
I’m not sure that we disagree all that much Fred because I think that you and others are on the right track with meeting people where they are with various nontraditional outlets like YouTube. My concern is that focusing on “messaging” obfuscates the real problems of modern Know Nothingism.
Being right on most issues doesn't cut it, I agree. Realism, when reality sucks, also doesn't cut it. Results should be viewed through the lens of who benefits. By that measure, most live entrapped in debt fighting over scraps, while a few systematically amass wealth-creating assets.
“The Democrats are a party that stands on the right side of most issues but are piss-poor at communicating those notions to the American people. The party lacks any sort of cohesive information architecture or strategy…”
It seemed to work for the Republicans.
Why can’t we be all in now matter what.
The more we criticize our own the weaker we look.
W Trump they were ALL IN no matter what.
And they won.
I think right now we need to be united.
All of us in solidarity.
We spend too much time beating up our own.
Truth: “Democrats are a party that stands on the right side of most issues but are piss-poor at communicating those notions to the American people. The party lacks any sort of cohesive information architecture or strategy”
'MAGA' is an extremist cult with heavy religious overtones. I don't see any of that in the Democratic Party. Yes there are issues to address. I fear the biggest issue is breaking into the massive propaganda/ disinformation machine on the right.
We need to start making sure that everyone has enough education to understand that the lie is just that. And, no matter how much we might want something like the easy path that the lie won’t ever become fact.
Look at every metric that indicated the economy was doing well, e.g. stocks etc. over 20% gain for the 2nd time in history yet most people “felt” the economy was in the toilet. It is easier to believe the lie than to look at reality and understand what is really going on. 🧵/2
There is plenty wrong with the Democratic Party that we can fix but I don’t believe it is this communication problem so many have blamed. For example, look at how many thru the “corn belt” consistently vote for politicians that legislate against them. 🧵/1
Nah, we’re not doing this anymore. This is a huge part of the problem. The MAGA movement has big tentacles in every state in the Nation. People from coast to coast voted against their interests.
To frame unfettered support for the democrats as “MAGA” is not only ridiculous, it’s also offensive. As a trans woman, I HAVE TO support democrats no matter what since now, because of the REAL MAGA, my right to simply exist is in real danger. His take is not a “banger”. It’s tone deaf and naive.
This election proved that about 30% of America IS broken. How do you explain farmers voting for their workforce to be deported, women voting to lose more rights and Hispanics voting for mass deportations. The article is another hit piece assigning blame without any solutions.
It literally does offer solutions. You aren’t listening to a single thing I’ve said or answering a single question. You are just talking past me with your anger. Again, what do we do to get people off the sidelines? Why did so many Democrats stay home? How do we energize them? 30% isn’t a majority.
Trump won because 70 million Americans were more energized about their hatred of immigrants, women and trans people. It’s pretty simple. A woman ran twice against Trump and lost each time. Republicans ran a campaign of fear, misinformation and misogyny. Harris ran an almost perfect campaign.
Nominate young people that look and are of the proletariat. Bite the big apple and demand not just hope, but promise genuine change. Energize the apathetic and stop trying to appeal to centrists that don’t exist. Stop straddling the fence. Embrace democratic socialism. Label it however you like.
I’m not ignoring the question Fred, but I’m not sure this is a messaging issue. I think it’s a societal issue that I’m not sure can be combatted with just appropriate messaging. MAGA made young white males think they are the oppressed which is bananas. How the hell do you combat that???
In particular, the % of that 60 million who DID turn out to vote in 2020, but stayed home in 2024. My jaw hit the floor when I heard the under 30s this year, 50% turned out, but in 2020, it was over 60%. That difference ALONE would have won the national popular vote.
Both groups made a contribution to the Dem loss.
But the exchange does illustrate a common political/social issue we all share. The tendency to think in binary and exclusionary terms. The desire to oversimplify.
White women went for Trump. Hispanics shifted to right. Women are losing rights and a lot of Hispanics will be deported. He won because these people showed up based on misinformation and straight up lies.
Yes. So, as the article asks…how do we fight that? What’s the plan? Who is doing it? It’s not enough to just say “oh well” if we want to stop this movement. Why did so many white women not vote?
I think pollster Cornell Belcher made the point best about it was Cheeto's white women and Cheeto's Latino men who got excited and turned out, moreso than the white women and Latino men who vote reliably Dem.
I don’t think it’s that simple. Yes there were appeals to prejudice, but there is also an anti incumbent mood across the world. In addition, the article is correct about team Blue’s less effective messaging.
It's true that Dems are too meek in communicating policies and positions, for fear of alienating "centrists"--and thus alienating much of their potential base. But I fear that what Trump has proven is that effective communication to the American electorate basically requires shrill carnival barking
Blue MAGA? WTF is that? I’ll simplify this shit for you. AOC/Bernie Sanders supported the Harris/Walz campaign and voted for her! Unfortunately a large portion of their progressive supporters in important states stayed home in protest. Nikki Haley Voters went home.
I’m focused on MN that’s it!
That is the problem, you think they are AOC/Bernie supporters. They are not. They are independent voters. They are not Democrats. They may vote Democrat if a candidate inspires them, but only because they have no other choice. The problem is not the voters, it is our two-party system.
YEP!: "At the same time, the party legislates as if bipartisanship is the end goal, rather than providing policies and services to help people. And then it stinks at communicating the benefits of those policies to people."
I was a lifelong Democrat until the DNC shit all over Bernie Sanders and pushed Hilary Clinton down our throats. They were out of touch then, and they haven't gotten any better. I still vote blue, since it's almost invariably the better choice, but it's often not great.
Sometimes a viewpoint that creates discomfort is powerful medicine. But this Blue MAGA BS? Just shoot me now cuz I want nuthin but nuthin to do with crazy talk straight outta Fox. Do better, Oliver Willis or STFU. You think “this” is Democrats communicating better? Cripes.
It was a worthless article, imo. No substance or concrete examples. Ignores the retrospective analysis that’s gone on since the shock wore off. Just whining and using the already cliched, ambiguous “Blue MAGA” label.
Sorry. Until you all start to acknowledge the fact that lies and misinformation have a stranglehold on this country, things will never change. Fealty and cowardice are also to blame.
“You all.” Out of curiosity how do you propose we counteract that? Is it in a concerted factual campaign that is clear and relentless? Because that’s literally what Oliver is saying and I’ve been saying too. We can’t just throw our hands in the air and say nothing can be done. What do you propose?
As I have said for a long time the democratic party needs to simplify the messaging to the American People who are not well versed on how Government helps them or hurts them. Assuming the electorate has this basic knowledge is one of many mistakes.
Messaging was one of the problems. We understand there is more to it, however if you cannot message to people who do not understand government then anything else falls to the wayside. direct their outrage against the "other"-immigrants, blacks, women, whichever "other" works-instead of the wealthy.
Dems have been so worried about being criticized as "populist demogogues" or "class warriors" that they let a true demogogue enlist "have nots" in class warfare on behalf of...
We need a news channel to counteract Fox news. Legacy media hurts us. Give voters a voice with ranked choice voting. We need to stop speculating on what people support & why people don't vote. If we know who their 1st choice is, we have better voter data. Independent voters are not Democrats.
Yes. Encourage independent media, podcasters and video shows. Push elected Democrats to go on. Invite them to events even if they don’t “push the party line.” Repeat the messages over and over. Write OpEds. Do local media. Be everywhere all the time. It’s laborious but effective.
We are very fortunate to have such an independent social justice blogger in our community now. His presence was in part responsible for the reinstitution of our Police Oversight Commission and Independent Police Auditor.
Stop the circular firing squad. Focus on exposing the liars. Promote and protect the journalists who aren’t afraid to push back. Every Sunday MSM allows a fire hose of lies with literally zero pushback. There’s too much opinion, not enough facts.
That's just part of it. Most Americans aren't even watching those shows at all and haven't for years. That is just a tiny part of the communications ecosystem today.
Make fact checking more accessible, visible. American’s attention span is very short. Give facts in smaller bites. Use bill boards more to give information. Everybody sees them.
Not a fan. Part of it is very lazy, like this, “(Dems) are piss-poor at communicating those notions to the American people.” There are no examples of the bad communication and no real suggestions on how to improve it other than needing a “
cohesive information architecture.”
Buttigieg is very good at defense and turning things around. AOC is very good at Offense. They should be running things.
This is how their thought processes usually go:
Organize and make this happen. We need big names to do this.
People with real power so other people,
“I don’t think soothing the egos of powerful people leading the party, arguing that they ran “perfect” campaigns, is worth that cost. Any kind of MAGA mindset hurts America, whether it is wearing a red hat for Trump or making excuses for decades of failed Democratic Party operation.”
We lost because rw billionaires and foreign adversaries to convince “just enough” voters to stay home or vote against rational thought”.
Kamala’s campaign did make one egregious mistake, she ran center right hoping to gain ephemeral Republican voters.
He is correct about one thing. We didn’t win.
Let’s not forget that Putin and Iran caused Afghanistan to collapse, waged war against Ukraine and sparked the Hamas Israel war, all of which helped trump.
I actually don’t like the left right frame since it’s mostly meaningless. Calling Biden solidly liberal is funny.
Biden pushed labor issues to an amazing degree. And a left-appeasing industrial policy. He spent on infrastructure and climate change. He appointed tons of POC judges. He stood by the rule of law. It would be silly to call him anything but a solid liberal.
Why would we want the appointment of people of color to be defined as “liberal” when “Biden exercised good policy reflecting the composition and values of America” is better?
That’s the crux of why the democrats have such a difficult time communicating
2. Democrats are just bad at messaging. Period. It was obvious as far back as I can remember. The lies just made it worse.
But she said Dems need to say "I'm fighting for YOU." And meanwhile they're telling the truth.
But it's the "you" that's key.
But if a guy who looks like your accountant is not going to defend us from fascism, who is?
Do we want these things? I don’t!
BUT humans see other humans that are EXTREMELY SURE about their beliefs and they are psychologically programmed to follow. It seems even being blatantly wrong is not considered
It seems that being naively SET and HARDENED is an evolutionary benefit that people like to follow.
It’s his confidence that invites followers.
I am seeing 'bluemaga' in one of the comments, WTF is that?
She is smart, personable, tough, and principled. She kicked Trump's a$$ at the debate. We couldn't have done much better.
The donor base of the Dem party (and their geriatric office holders) don't want anything to change.
The far left won’t win and finding an effective centrist ‘may’ be key (yeah Bill Clinton said it best).
We have great young legislators but the country isn’t ready.
we need new leadership across the board. people still defending pelosi over aoc or schiff over porter or who think garland just needed to cross some more t's!!
but ill take it. she needs to go and her idiot daughter must NOT be welcomes to replace her
I don’t know why people make this so complicated. Half the GOP still wants to call people n*ggers.
This isn’t rocket science.
This seems like a good place to start.
"Defund the police" was a real loser in most people's minds. To them it meant a lack of police protection, not enabling the police to do their job by supplementing them with experts in mental illness, addiction, housing and wrap around services
Any law passed will be overturned 6-3 by scotus
Until we bring scotus to heel nothing will get done
Any D candidate better show the math to get us there
If it has to be a white hetero male then so be it.
No ammendments.
Never stop campaiging.
Never stop messaging.
No way to do anything about it.
But having 75 yr old messengers is not the answer.
1) Dems can't communicate effectively
2) Dems bring a knife to a gun fight
3) Dems' seniority system handcuffs them
4) Dems are still in the pre-internet 20th century
5) Dems can't grasp " if we always do what we've always done, we'll always be what we've always been"
Oliver Willis doesn’t really get the communications issue either. I heard the same from Amy Klobuchar who clearly doesn’t get it.
If you don’t get it, you cannot fix it.
Democrats tell the truth, Republicans flat out lie.
Many of us really are centrist, so claiming Biden & Harris are failures due to that messaging doesn’t work for me.
Would be nice to have just the facts without pundits to direct thinking.
Just like the SCOTUS takeover, the right has been planning for a very long time.
That doesn’t make the left messaging wrong.
Suggesting we’re delusional like MAGA is misleading.
But that’s just me. I’m kind of cranky this morning!
He literally lying in the article….
Also, he is lying.
He pay attention to and is part of the problem.
That's what you got out of that article?
He's calling out the dem's lack of commitment to policies that actually contrast with the GOP.
That leads to an aversion to promote those policies aggressively-the messaging failure.
Poor commitment to good policy hobbles the party's efforts to communicate effectively.
They are ALL Republicans.
ALL Repubs in our Fed Gov/State Gov's support him. They voted for him, they vote with him, they lie for him, they stake their careers and livelihood on him. They go to jail for him.
It's pretty amusing that Blue MAGA is here, complaining about being called Blue MAGA
I'm a leftist, liberal and Democrat but there are some leftists who will thrive with a trump 2nd term now.
They're like war profiteers but Trump Profiteers
Anti-Democratic becomes Anti-Republic.
Job Creators become Job Withholders...
“The Democrats are a party that stands on the right side of most issues but are piss-poor at communicating those notions to the American people. The party lacks any sort of cohesive information architecture or strategy…”
Why can’t we be all in now matter what.
The more we criticize our own the weaker we look.
W Trump they were ALL IN no matter what.
And they won.
I think right now we need to be united.
All of us in solidarity.
We spend too much time beating up our own.
Who do we put in charge of changing that?
But the exchange does illustrate a common political/social issue we all share. The tendency to think in binary and exclusionary terms. The desire to oversimplify.
I’m focused on MN that’s it!
Convincing ourselves it was just a messaging problem is just as stupid as complaining that there was no getting thru to the MAGA idiots.
The part that Trump has always been right about is that the system is rigged.
His "genious" was fanning the (latent?) bigotry of the MAGAts...
I did read the article and think this part is the key. No amount of communication or messaging is going to matter unless the party gets this right.
But the denialism Willis is calling out is dems pretending they were offering a flawless platform.
It starts with policy.
Dems have been so worried about being criticized as "populist demogogues" or "class warriors" that they let a true demogogue enlist "have nots" in class warfare on behalf of...
Is poor communication part of the problem? Absolutely!
But the root was poor policy-from Clinton's welfare "reform" to Obama's Wall St bailout.
The dem COVID relief bills and Biden's policies have been a step in the right direction but the Third Way/DLC "moderates" are already...
cohesive information architecture.”