Great discussion on NPR about news influencers and how we are growing and how we should be doing it right to maintain trust and tell the truth large audiences. Pew found that 20% of Americans now get their news from social media influencers on various apps.
“Should” is not a guardrail.
Domestic sources of disinfo on social media
Foreign sources of disinfo on social media
You Know.
Something America turned its' back on 23 years and 4 months ago.
There’s also a difference btwn ppl who just post & those who research & present their own work. Both ok, but be aware.
Truth includes the whole story & all stories, even those unflattering of "my side".
Influencers rarely.. very rarely, provide either of these.
It’s not like you’re investigating these issues yourself.
And you’re monetizing your “influencing”
The others.. I'd never feel comfortable that I was getting the whole story about *both parties (an integral part of getting the truth) if I clicked on this:
You know my first clue is what the photo/graphic looks like.
I can get a good idea of what I’m about to read based on the image accompanying the statement or article.
These images say a LOT.
Oh man.
You guys we are drowning right now.
This is way worse than I could have imagined.
Midas Touch are absolute heroes!
I’ll check out the others!
Thank YOU!
It has too much of the smell of "there for the clicks" teenage fashionistas & "hot car bros" about it.
In: Independent Journalists publishing on social media 🤌
Corporate media has been lazy and irresponsible.
Then they fired editors & fact checkers & got more entertainment stories based on what one posted on Twitter or how they reacted to other news.
Serious journalism was on a death knell since twitter
Who is in it as a true believer and who is in it for pay check only ?
If Garland wont release SC report Biden should.
He is potus. Only he has immunity.
Do it unilaterally. Today.
I like that there are more voices out there, but I struggle to trust any. Even Fox News as an example; I know they have solid journalists but they're overshadowed by the opinion talk hosts.