They’re so good :’) I really really love practical effects so puppets are like fucking magic to me and ahh it just makes me feel so good and nostalgic (which is kinda funny/strange because they actually weren’t on my radar until a couple of years ago)
oh same, OG movie came out a bit too soon for me, so i never rly grew up with it. 2019 was the first time i was ever rly exposed to it I THINK unless i just suppressed it all as a toddler LMAO. the practical effects are honest so super cool, upsetting to know netflix axed it so quickly tbh
Ahaha I feel that x2!! I was not aware of it until my fiancee was watching age of resistance in the living room and I was like…”oh what’s this” and as soon as I found out there was source material I was like bye! And just watched that over and over again lmao
FDUGB that is so funny bc i legit watched it on a whim bc i was bored and i was like 'ello what's all this then?' ... then i watched the first episode and somehow i ended up binging all of it in one night WHEEZE