This is what it’s like to watch democracy die. What an appalling display yesterday as Zelenskyy was surrounded by that pack of wolves in the Oval Office.
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I was screaming at the television for him to get up and give them both the middle finger and leave. They were not going to help him anyway. They wanted him to sign away the country’s minerals when he people told him not to. Everything is transactional. Trump is a draft dodger trust fund brat.
And here I first heard about the suit comment and was pissed off alone about that, what an outrage to treat another leader of state the way they did. Global embarrassment and they’re too stupid to realize it.
With everything he has going on to ask him about wearing a suit is just mind blowing. I'm guessing they had this stupid shit set up to try and embarrass him. They only embarrassed themselves and us as a country
President Zelenskyy is a Hero! He’s a stronger, braver and so much better a man than any of those emasculated Putin puppets he had to put up with yesterday. #SlavaUkraine 🇺🇦💙
I understand the urge. There will be many fight-or-flight decisions made. I can't tell anyone else what decision to make, but I hope most are able to stay and fight back. If nothing else, consider that many who are harmed the most are also the least able to leave.
Appalling. Absolutely appalling in so many ways. Disrespect, crudeness, lack of diplomacy, revelation to the world that Trump is Putin’s thug. Devastatingly appalling.
Damn Right, #FoxNews!
"Very Disrespectful"!
The Most Disrespectful President/VP-In American History!
#Zelenskyy was showing pictures of #Ukraine POWs!
#Trump and #Vance Cared ONLY About, "The Minerals Deal"!
NO Talk of Helping Another #Democracy Against Invader #Russia!
Just 'Strong-Arming'!
But I have to say it was more like a wolf surrounded by a bunch of yapping little Yorkies. (Nothing against the breed) There was only one real man in the room as far as I was concerned. And he made them all look weak.
I agree, but to be honest, Trump never cared about accountability. He said in 2016 that he could kill a man on 5th Avenue, and nothing would happen - and he was right.
I couldn't agree more, he won't be happy until he's started a civil war, ripped the country apart or started a third world war. I'm convinced he's the Antichrist. There needs to be an end to the far right or you can kiss democracy goodbye.
I wouldn’t call them a pack of wolves.
A pack of mid-school bullies more like. The type of fuckers, when you get them 1-on-1 they royally shit themselves.
Wolves are graceful empathetic animals, not like those cunts.
And to think that there is a lot of talk that it was a setup. It all started with the dumb question of why didn’t Zelenskyy wear a suit. The question was belligerent and just plain stupid. Think it set a tone. Good response by Zelenskyy though.
US "Deomcarcy" died months ago and still the majority of Americans either don't see it or just don't care. And to those few Americans that are peacefully protesting I will say this
This is the Ukrainian Ambassador in utter disbelief as she witnesses the hit job that Trump-Vance sprung on Zelensky, enduring the horror of watching the President of the United States shout at and bully her President.
From my Leader of the 🇩🇰danish goverment . Mette Fredriksen I salute you 👋 Trump called her “A Nasty Woman “2020
She was two times elected here . 👋👋🇩🇰👋👋👋👋👋👋💙💛💙💛💙💛💙💛💙💛💙💙💛💙💛💙
They weren't wolves, they were pathetic. If you think the Orange Buffoon, J. V. Dunce, and that sycophantic cotierie of dimwits are wolves, I'd hate for you to meet truly frightening folks. They were WEAK BULLIES that thought "numbers" would win their day. The fact Drumpf needed them says everything
JDVance: FYI -Ukrainian President Zelensky has expressed his gratitude to the United States numerous times since the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. In fact, there are at least 33 documented instances of Zelensky thanking the United States, its officials, or its people for their support.
The U.S. government has toppled countless governments in countries around the world since WWII in an effort to destabilize these regions and reign supreme. Is it any wonder that Putin has done what he's done to facilitate Trump's coup? Regardless, I wholeheartedly support Zelensky. He's impenetrable
My heart breaks for Ambassador Oksana Markarova. Every time I see her on news shows, I have a deep appreciation for how calmly yet firmly she explains the plight and will power of Ukraine. Just wanted to reach into the TV and hug her yesterday.
This event was a mistake for Trump and his propaganda machine. The world saw, and can no longer deny, that Trump is a criminal gang leader. The nations of the world will now have to decide which they support, Putin-Trump or democracy.
One of the most grotesquely disgraceful displays of attempted brazen oppression the world has ever witnessed. I am having a hard time accepting this as reality.
I've never felt so ashamed to be an American. There aren't enough adjectives to truly characterize Trump and Vance's insane attack on a valiant ally, who had come to sign an agreement that could have saved thousands of lives. Republicans in Congress need to end this. Impeach Trump, once and for all!
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years
I wonder who the fk is JD Vance to open his mouth while the president and higher commander of the country in war speaks? He has never held a thing heavier than his dick in his hands and suddenly he has an weighty "opinion" everybody to listen
The Felon-In-Chief is a big f*cking bully. Disgusting, disrespectful and shameful to Ukraine. The bone spurred dodge drafting puppet to pre$ident mu$k is not interested in democracy but in kissing putin's ass. So embarrassing to be an American
That is classic. A group ganging up on one unsuspecting person. Circling him, joking laughing, mocking, humiliating him in front of the group and TV cameras. Inducing a final blow of shame onto the victim as a climax of the groups joy. Scaring the victim invisibly for the rest of the future.
Which is exactly what President Zelensky was asking vance, when vance blew a gasket on him. What is your idea of diplomacy? Vance had no answer so thar she blows! Zelensky is so much more of a man than vance ever was, or could ever hope to be! I’ll bet President Zelensky never f**ked a couch.
Of course they were, I'd expect nothing less from them. Next, they will be expelling her and closing down the Ukrainian embassy. This administration is the real embarrassment. Their idea of diplomacy is to align themselves with Putin.
That’s a terrible insult to wolves…. We just saw a man ambushed by a couple of bullies - but they didn’t get
his lunch money, just got their asses kicked…
The face palm felt around the globe... Bless her, bless Zelenskyy and bless the people of Ukraine. Protect them from Putin's jackals and smirkin' Judases...
Trump may be unwilling to help him, be we sure can. Go to, and donate if you’re able to. Even $10 a month from enough of us can have a substantial impact. If you can’t donate though, you can still help by sharing this link everywhere possible. Spread the word
You mean a pack of hyenas that are going to be destroyed. They may be laughing now…but wait until the lions show up. True Americans, Canadians, true allies of Ukraine and NATO members…we must become the LIONS that destroy the laughing hyenas. Rise up and take your stand against them now.
I’m sure I’m not the only American that cried when I saw her like this when I saw the disrespect that President Zelenskyy was receiving! I’m so angry how he was treated. He’s in the middle of a war, trying to save his country and they ask him what why he’s not wearing a suit for fucks sake.
A sad part of asking that question is that he and mtg are at home giggling about this thinking it was clever! I hate these people for making me learn how to hate.
That denigrates wolves 😞. These are hyenas taking nips at their prey only when they seem at their weakest. We can only hope the world wakes up in time. It’s World Peace that is at stake, not only Ukraine sovereignty.
Murica is a beast, fed and kept by mad men poking jape at the rest of the world.
That was an outrageous display of Wannabe Crime Bosses masquerading as President and VP.
Good on Zelensky for hanging tough. Fuck Russia, Fuck Trump and Fuck that punk JD Vance.
For the express purpose of televising trmp's loyalty to Putin. I don't think Ukraine was at all surprised, just amazed at the theatrics, the vulgarity of the situation in this setting. Even Reagan would have been appalled and embarrassed.
She was in tears wasn't she? I think she held back for as long as she could. Absolutely awful behavior from men who shouldn't be allowed to clean toilets in a prison due to their incompetence.
Rubio blew his shot at the 2028 presidency. All he had to do was stand up, call them out for their disgusting behavior and then resign in protest and walk out! He would have been hailed as a hero by the whole world. But like the sniveling coward he is he tried to melt into the couch and stayed mute.
That was the most disgusting display of rehearsed bullying I have ever witnessed.
JD said his lines even when they were out of context. But that other thing went right off the rails with no teleprompter.
They showed who they really are.TRAITORS
It made the world Sick enough to leave Russia2.0 alone
He should shut his little bitch mouth. Who the f does he think he is to talk to the president of another country like this? We look like total idiots to the world because that's what we have become
the Orange Offal and the couchfucker planned the whole thing. He had his lines but showed he was a moron when President Zelenskyy asked if he had been to Ukraine. Cap't eyeliner" I have seen it on tv" Brilliant!!
It was all planned. He Kne2 he had to say the lines he memorized or else.. so he just threw them in.. I Loved his answer to being in Ukraine. He saw it on TV!!
I think they had their lines and they wanted to make sure they said them BUT that orange offal went "offscript" like he does without a teleprompter and just yelled whatever came into his peasized brain.Jd in the oval? MTG's BF with his suit comment?The RUSSIAN Press there??It was All planned
Exactly and suddenly he is there? And pResident Elonia isn't? They didn't count on the Kkking forgetting his lines other than the ones he practised to look "tough"and filling in with an incoherent jumble of his favourite lies.
Not only that but they couldn’t even pull of the performance the way they rehearsed it. Why? Cuz they are stupid. They are in deep shit with Putin now and are even more scared and desperate than they were before. Perfect time for brave 🇺🇸leadership (if it exists) to march in there with handcuffs.
It didn't help that the Orange Offal is such an idiot he forgot his lines and just started spewing out all of his old favourites jumbled together. That demented Old fool should just drop dead and do us all a favour.OR. Both him And JD be removed as traitors.
Djt is a Russian asset. He's a useless village idiot. He's a selfish prick. He can taste what Putzy had for breakfast bc his tongue is so far up Putzy's a🕳️. He's a disgrace to the planet.
We all felt it. That cosplay was a set-up. Now they will use this feigned offense as a reason to side with Russia. And break NATO for Putin. They had TASS there to livestream it to Putin. They were performing to an audience of one.
The Russian News Agency TASS, or simply TASS, is a Russian state-owned news agency founded in 1904. It is the largest Russian news agency and one of the largest news agencies worldwide. TASS is registered as a Federal State Unitary Enterprise, owned by the government of Russia.
So embarrassed to be an American today. My most sincere apologies for the disrespect and hatred shown to a man fighting for his people and their future from men who care nothing about anyone but themselves and power.
Stamer made Trump look like an idiot
Vance and Trump proved they are idiots yesterday!!
Let's Follow her on Bluesky 🦋
and send her our Best Wishes Solidarity with President Zelensky his Family & the Brave People of Ukraine
I know when u suffering the thought of being alone can hurt. But Trump is the one who is driving everyone away .. from him
Let's Follow her on Bluesky 🦋
and send her our Best Wishes Solidarity with President Zelensky his Family & the Brave People of Ukraine
These bitches are playing games with peoples lives. Faking the notion of honor and respect as if defending yourself from slaughter is disrespectful.
There are things that should happen to people like that.
Let's Follow her on Bluesky 🦋
and send her our Best Wishes Solidarity with President Zelensky his Family & the Brave People of Ukraine
"Very Disrespectful"!
The Most Disrespectful President/VP-In American History!
#Zelenskyy was showing pictures of #Ukraine POWs!
#Trump and #Vance Cared ONLY About, "The Minerals Deal"!
NO Talk of Helping Another #Democracy Against Invader #Russia!
Just 'Strong-Arming'!
you completely forgot other presidents have literally fought wars to defend America ?
🇺🇦🤝🇧🇪 Ukraine, count on us !
We're living in absolutely disgusting times.
It is NOT and has never been that "shining beacon".
America .. Fix Yourself !!
A pack of mid-school bullies more like. The type of fuckers, when you get them 1-on-1 they royally shit themselves.
Wolves are graceful empathetic animals, not like those cunts.
Revolutions are not won without blood.
Let's Follow her on Bluesky 🦋
and send her our Best Wishes Solidarity with President Zelensky his Family & the Brave People of Ukraine
This would not have happened if Zelenskyy had worn a suit 🙄
Let's Follow her on Bluesky 🦋
and send her our Best Wishes Solidarity with President Zelensky his Family & the Brave People of Ukraine
North Korea is there to help Russia !!!
This move will be the last nail in the Trump's coffin !!!
Trump corrupt the WH, it's full of virus and bacteries, what about blowing the WH with him in it ???
It was a pack of filthy fascist sewer rats sucking up to the top rat in Kreml.
She was two times elected here . 👋👋🇩🇰👋👋👋👋👋👋💙💛💙💛💙💛💙💛💙💛💙💙💛💙💛💙
They obviously have NO IDEA how to show RESPECT & be good HOSTS to their GUESTS at OUR WHITE HOUSE!
Neither of them show any REGARD for AMERICANS or AMERICA~ only Putin & RUSSIA.
Other than that: nailed it.
Follow if you ‘like’.
Maybe a pack of cockroaches.
Trump and his group of idiots are lemmings.
- "In line with our vision" Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said to Russian state television Sunday.
The new US administration is rapidly changing its foreign policy, now turning its back on the Western world and embracing its old arch-enemy Russia.
Shame on Trump and MAGA! 😡
The treatment the Ukrainians received in the oval office will go down in history as the very worst of America. tRumpy is a traitor.
More Americans stand with Ukraine then with that 🍊💩 and his cult of bullies.
Let's Follow her on Bluesky 🦋
and send her our Best Wishes Solidarity with President Zelensky his Family & the Brave People of Ukraine
My guess: Putin doesn’t want them either..
his lunch money, just got their asses kicked…
Let's Follow her on Bluesky 🦋
and send her our Best Wishes Solidarity with President Zelensky his Family & the Brave People of Ukraine
Let's Follow her on Bluesky 🦋
and send her our Best Wishes Solidarity with President Zelensky his Family & the Brave People of Ukraine
Murica is a beast, fed and kept by mad men poking jape at the rest of the world.
Good on Zelensky for hanging tough. Fuck Russia, Fuck Trump and Fuck that punk JD Vance.
Let's Follow her on Bluesky 🦋
and send her our Best Wishes Solidarity with President Zelensky his Family & the Brave People of Ukraine
JD said his lines even when they were out of context. But that other thing went right off the rails with no teleprompter.
They showed who they really are.TRAITORS
It made the world Sick enough to leave Russia2.0 alone
They aren't even original.