I don’t know if I believe these people with their belated apologies. But if I was in her position, I’d just keep my mouth shut and get to work helping elect democrats. That’s how you make amends. And get off twitter!
She/Those people have destroyed this country. We'll be lucky if there's any elections moving forward.
"I just got caught up in MAGA". She got caught up in Trump being a rapist, sexual predator of children, a fraud, habitual liar, the hatred, his racism, his taste for violence?
I mean I hear you and I agree mostly but at the same time we will not win with this attitude. We need them to feel they will be allowed to turn back. We need them to feel allowed to join our side of the fight. We can get after their morals once the country is not on the brink of a holocaust.
While I want to scream at her too - I also want to check ya’ll! Everyone saying we need repubs to wake up. But when they do you say F off.
News flash we need them to feel they have an option other than facism. You all want to feel righteous or you want to avoid a new holocaust. Damn. 🤬
I can't forgive these people. Broke up with a gf during Trumps 1st term. A large part of why was her support of him. I know if I forgave her I'd soon have a knife in my back. Only willing to even think about that because I loved her. The rest of Trump Supporters? Irredeemable.
"I just got caught up in MAGA". She got caught up in Trump being a rapist, sexual predator of children, a fraud, habitual liar, the hatred, his racism, his taste for violence?
Fuck them!
News flash we need them to feel they have an option other than facism. You all want to feel righteous or you want to avoid a new holocaust. Damn. 🤬
I just had one of these folks in my circle, sorta. Hadn't talked to him in years.
Told him if he meant it, he'd do some homework. Sent him links.
They can do good today without redemption. We should let 'em