His reaction was immediate. His ears perked up, as did his tail (not to mention the fur puffing up in surprise). The blush that settled on his face complimented his dark skin, and his mismatched eyes fell as he gave her a dumb, lovestruck look.
"You didn't hafta do all this, Panne.."
"You didn't hafta do all this, Panne.."
"You're too good to me."
She wrapped her tail around him as she returned the kiss. “You deserve to be treated, too, love.” She said with a sweet smile.
Hoping she wouldn't take it the wrong way or be too shocked, he assured her that "no, this isn't a proposal..
He nudged the box open with his thumb, revealing a gorgeous necklace wrapped in a layer of velvet for protection. In truth, it was two necklaces- one that could be split to share.
"Goldsmith friend of mine owed me a favor in exchange for reforging his sword.. Figured we could each have a piece of each other.."
Though he assured her that this wasn't a proposal, she couldn't help but to think of the idea: she never even considered such a possibility, but...she wouldn't mind spending the rest of her days with him.