I think Mother would kill me if I proposed without telling her first."
He nudged the box open with his thumb, revealing a gorgeous necklace wrapped in a layer of velvet for protection. In truth, it was two necklaces- one that could be split to share.
He nudged the box open with his thumb, revealing a gorgeous necklace wrapped in a layer of velvet for protection. In truth, it was two necklaces- one that could be split to share.
"Goldsmith friend of mine owed me a favor in exchange for reforging his sword.. Figured we could each have a piece of each other.."
Though he assured her that this wasn't a proposal, she couldn't help but to think of the idea: she never even considered such a possibility, but...she wouldn't mind spending the rest of her days with him.
"Qine..." She took the piece from the box to take a closer look at it, feeling the sting of tears in her eye from how thoughtful the gesture was--and how much she realized she loved this man.
His tail continued to thwap behind him as he chuckled. "Love ya.."
And then it hit her--making her freeze in her tracks for a moment. "I-I...you do..?"