These verses are routinely ignored by most christians and one on particular is definitely relevant to this discussion as footballers work on the Sabbath as routine
oh you are saying they (Christians) follow some verses and not others e.g. shaving beard etc. I suppose what value of sin for breaching some of the verses?
I'm saying if a Christian (or any religious person) is going to hide behind a religious text as a reason for bigotry, then they should be following every outdated passage or they leave themselves open to being seen as a bigoted hypocrite
Of course not, but those using it as an excuse for bigotry don't go after adulterers, Sabbath breakers and pig eaters with anything like the same ferocity
Many Christians understand the old testament has some problematic parts that society is evolving past and do their best to lead good lives
Leviticus 19:19
Leviticus 19:27
Leviticus 19:30
Leviticus 19:33
These verses are routinely ignored by most christians and one on particular is definitely relevant to this discussion as footballers work on the Sabbath as routine
Many Christians understand the old testament has some problematic parts that society is evolving past and do their best to lead good lives