CW: #AnalVore and shlorping/squelcy sounds
What does Nix do with dat ass you say?
...shove people up with it~
Well, as an Avali fits perfectly up there, don't you think? Rounding out my belly nicely and giving me a bit of heft down there in the process~
What does Nix do with dat ass you say?
...shove people up with it~
Well, as an Avali fits perfectly up there, don't you think? Rounding out my belly nicely and giving me a bit of heft down there in the process~
And a very nice butt, too 👀
No, I'm dead honest, these are my first 3D anims. I've experiemnted with 2D but never got far so I don't count it. I learned a lot just by watching tutorial videos in the past.
I LOVE how round your belly gets from this lil guy,,
Love the angles and audio oo <3<3