Chrystia Fucking Freeland did this. Aided by Jagmeet. All they had to do was stay united against Poilievre/Trump and deal with that until the regular election cycle but no. Both so fucking arrogant they honestly think Chrystia can win.
I will never vote for her, so if she thinks her little power grab will help her be some kind of a leader, she is sadly mistaken. Both her and Jagmeet will always be known for the backstabbers that they are. That will be their legacy.
Register. Vote in the leadership contest. I recommend reading Mark Carney’s book Values and soon to be released The Hinge. Because ultimately we’re going to have Freeland or Carney. Take the opportunity to read and learn whose values most closely align with yours.
Fucking assholes. They’d have had an election next year anyway. All they had to do was stay united right now and deal with Trump. But no, personal and absolutely irrational ambition drove her on. And zero question that she’s got Jagmeet because there’s no chance he did this thinking he could win.
The only Liberal leader who has a chance to win the next election is Mark Carney. Like him or not, he knows finances and can steer the economy in the right direction.
Given that our binary choice is likely Freeland v Carney, I will vote Carney for leader. I recommend his book Values for anyone interested in knowing what HIS values are. And register as a party member to vote for the next leader.
Thanks for sharing the link and the book recommendation! I agree—it’s likely to come down to Freeland or Carney. I’m in BC and can’t fathom why anyone would vote for Clark!
I think ( and hope) Clark will be nothing but a blip, quickly out of the race. Carney’s views on the erosion of the social contract ( my most fervently held opinion) puts him way over Freeland.
All political parties are foolish when they appoint unseated people as leader. Carney would be fine for cabinet. He needs caucus experience before he is party leader.
If you get a new boss who is qualified and competent- you do not say I won’t do my job until you have established “relationships”. That part happens organically. The point is to choose the leader whose vision most closely aligns with yours. Whether that is Carney or Freeland for you.
I see your perspective, but Carney's high-profile experience has likely helped him build valuable connections in various sectors, which can be just as important IMO.
I agree. Carney's experience as Governor of the BOC and BOE compensates for his lack of caucus experience. His extensive background in economics and finance would be invaluable in steering the economy as a potential leader.
Agreed, i hope Freeland gets shown the door in the leadership race, she has nothing new to offer Canada. I will never vote NDP as long as JS is leader. Both are a pair of assholes.
Register. Vote in the leadership contest. I recommend reading Mark Carney’s book Values and soon to be released The Hinge. Because ultimately we’re going to have Freeland or Carney. Take the opportunity to read and learn whose values most closely align with yours.
I will vote against PP. But I'm not sure which other party yet.