"THEY" don't believe in global warming, they can't comprehend how viruses mutate and why mass immunizations is how vaccines work, but are all experts in the science of puberty.
Dude. They’re myopic, egotistical solipsists. I simply cannot describe what it is to be trans to someone who lacks empathy and a willingness to consider other experiences as valid as their own. I don’t expect anyone to ‘get it’ because they can’t. What I hope for is that most people can be curious
I’d like them to be fascinated in a way that expands their understanding of the world and themselves. I don’t want to ‘make’ anyone trans, leave alone the fact I can’t. They’re like this with so many things, solipsistic, unable to see they’re not ‘all that’ they don’t have THE 1 answer to anything.
It id alarming how transphobic the speech was. But as a trans woman, I take heart that they can have every facet of the bureaucracy say we aren’t transgender, we still are and we aren’t going anywhere.
It is easy to pick on a TINY minority than have real solutions or real problems...His whole shtick is about blame and false fear and racism...He is just weak and pathetic and not worth our time. Stop talking about him he hates that the most.
"THEY" don't believe in global warming, they can't comprehend how viruses mutate and why mass immunizations is how vaccines work, but are all experts in the science of puberty.
#ableg #cdnpoli