Meanwhile, everything you need to know about Peter Dutton’s attitude to Australia’s children is that he went to George Pell’s funeral.
Reposted from
Van Badham
I’d come to believe that modern politics had become too small, too petty, to ever do the big vision nation-building stuff again - then announces FULL FUNDING OF PUBLIC EDUCATION at the National Press Club today.
Hope! Ambition! OPTIMISM! Friends, I burst into tears!
Hope! Ambition! OPTIMISM! Friends, I burst into tears!
They've told us what they are.
(Not that we should, of course)
Must have missed that memo #auspol
And, as a man all over the media calling everyone an antisemite all the time, he's disturbingly quiet about actual Nazis rioting in Adelaide on the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.
Fascists are scum.
It's not hard to say.