Hi Cerys, loving the show! Could you shout out 'Voyage of the Beagle,' an electronic composition by John Biddulph, happening February 28th at the Unitarian Church in Shrewsbury as part of the Charles Darwin Festival. It will be a beautiful event with support from Aisha Vaughan. Thank you Chris!
Morning!! So grateful to have the space to wander this beautiful musical journey with you. Connie Converse reminded me of Molly Drake, the fragility of her voice in “Poor Mum” just so pure and evocative
Hi Cerys. I usually listen when doing my weekend activities: gardening or DIY. However, after some over-enthusiastic coppicing I have damaged my wrist, so today I am chilling and, for the first time, fully and mindfully LISTENING with all my attention. 100% better! This will be my new Sunday habit 😍
Isn’t it turnups that’s gonna make it funky?
Helen was pleased with your announcement