I mean I see their hesitation to do it because there could be so much backlash if it isn’t received well but I need it in my life and supposedly when and if they do a x remake it’s coming with x-3 (already written) so i mean before I die that would be nice
I honestly think we will see a 9 remake before we see a X remake - but I hope I’m wrong lol. With the success of the 7 remake series, hopefully that emboldens them to do more.
Go over to Mateus and head over to the Quicksands. There are people always RPing there. Another good resource is https://www.ffxiv-rp.org/, and if you DM me, there are like a dozen of RP focused discords I'm a part of.
But yes. Give me a 4K Lulu and I will die happy. 😆