She was never on GQ but I get it she was never in a magazine his followers knew anything about 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 she was bottom of the list of Russian Soviet Block women trying to be a model 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I disagree with this. If she chose to pose nude or even do pornography, it doesn't make her a whore. The accurate description for her is gold digger (and she got more than she bargained for).
Let's not shame women for their sexuality. Let's shame women who endorse these monsters for money.
Sure she does … LMFAO🇨🇦
I LOVE this about her. And she's not just a whore. She's a genius whore.
Let's not shame women for their sexuality. Let's shame women who endorse these monsters for money.