"I like living under the illusion that the world works the way it am comfortable with, even if science and decades of human history have proven otherwise."
Gay people have always existed, gender has never been as binary as "they" pretend it is.
People who don’t like cats OR dogs are insane red flags. Especially if they keep fish like a sociopath. I like fish, but I like cats and dogs too. Like, if you have fish, but like cats and dogs you’re cool. But I can’t trust the other type of people.
The shoving comes from the people who always sow hate and fear. White people tend to lap this fraud up like a thirsty puppy drinking water. Hatred blinds them
Gay people have always existed, gender has never been as binary as "they" pretend it is.
Oh wait, I don't care. I don't get butthurt that we're all different.
Except people that don't like dogs or cats. Fuck those assholes.
Well good morning to you on this beautiful day Satan has graced us with! What can I do for you?
I’m back to bed REAL fast.
We live in a society the selectively chooses who has rights and who doesn’t! It’s simply wrong!
Gay people pay taxes but religious organizations don’t… but guess which one has more rights?